Started watching through DR3 last night *spoilers*

Board 8

As soon as there was a discussion about Nagito's absence, followed by a transition to a lens flare, I was thinking to myself "oh god is this the plane crash please tell me this is the plane crash YES IT'S THE PLANE CRASH"

Now this is fanservice I can get behind. Behind.

See, this is exactly what I wanted Junko to be. She has been absolutely amazing this episode. "Have him give ya the ol' body pillow treatment; it'll perk ya right up!" And her mannerisms are somehow even better. Clubbing her sister out of nowhere, doing the fashion model poses while she sprays herself with perfume, I love everything about the first half of this episode. I don't think this smile has ever left my face.

And then the second half was like the other side of a coin. That was....... something I watched. I feel like if that were just shown as it was, it would've been in extremely bad taste, and I would've felt incredibly uncomfortable. But the one minor detail in having Mukuro sing the overture while it happened, and showing her with the sheet music with arms outstretched every now and then gave it EXACTLY the feel they were going for, and may have single-handedly made that scene the most powerful in the entire series so far.

That was a rollercoaster of an episode, and I enjoyed every second of the ride. Best episode of either arc by far .
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform