Started watching through DR3 last night *spoilers*

Board 8

MrSmartGuy posted...
Kirigiri also brought up something about not necessarily disclosing their actions in case someone's forbidden from hearing them. This made me think that hers was exactly that, seeing as being a detective, she'd want to learn them as soon as possible.

Did you go back to check on that?

I still find it such a weird localization of the line if that is what she said.

MrSmartGuy posted...
or Yu's are.

MrSmartGuy posted...
This led me to believe perhaps his was entering that area, but Yu has since gone into the conference room, so that was proven false. Maybe it's something more generic like not being able to open a closed door? It would also explain why he felt the need to Raiden his way through the glass of the conference room like a crazy person.


You said yo uhave an idea previously though >_>
" Death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints "