Name Your Price: Leave your current nation of residence forever.

Board 8

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Board 8 » Name Your Price: Leave your current nation of residence forever.
1mil. I'd move to Britain.

SuperNiceDog shoots the lights out
Five million.

Thought this topic said "leave your current state". That would have been a free.

Sleep? F*** sleep, Toonami is on!!- GenesisSaga

Everything is overrated - <D
I would gladly take 90 whippings and be sentenced to 2 years in jail than have my account warned. - NotYou
Leaving would be harsh, but for the right price I would do it. $1.5 million.

-Eat a live worm.
-Give up your favourite food forever.
-Have a video of you singing and dancing to the most embarrassing song you can think of posted on everyone's front page of Youtube for a week.

Congrats to SuperNiceDog, your 2011 Guru Champion!
$1 million.

Everything is overrated - <D
I would gladly take 90 whippings and be sentenced to 2 years in jail than have my account warned. - NotYou

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
1 Million


However much is needed for the flight, a small flat and to survive the first few months while I look for a way to make a living.

SuperNiceDog won the Guru contest super nicely!
Please give a number so that I can count it.

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
$8,000 Zach.

Enough for the flight, a few months' rent at a decent place, and a bit of cushion. New Zealand here I come! (I wish)

Fennec... :3
Working on the next topic soon, but voting is still open. Just gotta tally this and write stipulations for the next topic.

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
I like the US just fine, but for 10 million I probably wouldn't have any problems moving to Canada and staying there.

Currently Playing: Bioshock, Portal 2, The Real Texas, Resonance.
Last Game Beat: Thomas Was Alone.
Post #63 was unavailable or deleted.
$2,000,000 is probably enough to guarantee it for me.

NOMINATE (all assume it's for a lifetime):
Become a vegetarian
Live with your parents
Remain/become abstinent

Nominate SuperNiceDog 's Guru-choice, then Epona.
Board 8 » Name Your Price: Leave your current nation of residence forever.
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