Name Your Price: Leave your current nation of residence forever.

Board 8

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Board 8 » Name Your Price: Leave your current nation of residence forever.
With the $x to do y topics, I thought this might be fun. Just state how much you would want to be paid to do whatever is in the title.

-Be specific when voting! Give me an actual dollar amount or explicitly say that you'd reject the offer. It helps me with tallying and calculating.
-1 vote, no alts, blah blah, you have until whenever I put the next topic up to vote (at least 24 hours)
-Give the minimum amount you want in US dollars and cents, "free," "no deal," and negative amounts are acceptable (which means you'll pay, instead of someone paying you). Google is good for currency conversion (search "1000 Euro to USD" without quotes, for example).
-Read the stipulations every time for any rules/information that are for the particular topic. Only I can add/remove/change them later as needed.
-You can nominate 3 things per day. You can write your own stipulations or have me take care of it.
-Ask me (or the original nominator) about stipulations if you need more information.

TODAY'S OFFER: Leave your current nation of residence forever.
If you accept, you'll be banned from your country, never to return. Don't worry, the stipulations are not as bad as they were for leaving Board 8.

1. You will need to leave your country permanently. You can never return to it for any reason. You must give up your citizenship if possible.
2. You can still communicate with people from your country in any way you want (except you visiting them, but they can visit you)
3. You can move to any country you want, you can bring anything (and anyone) you want assuming it's legal to do so
4. You get the money immediately, and you have one month to move out. You can convert the money, and you can ask for it to be given in another currency (but please vote for amounts in US dollars for my own sanity)
5. If you return to your country, you will be deported and/or killed.

Name Your Price!

Zachnorn - <D

Enough money to set myself up comfortably in my new nation

"One of these days, I'm gonna find a loophole my friend." - Man in Black
Previous results:

Day 2: Be stuck with a minimum wage job for the rest of your life.
Rejections: 10
Acceptances: 20
Statistics of acceptances:
Min: $50,000.00
Max: $30,000,000.00
Average: $6,538,750.00
Average without outliers: $5,303,947.37
Median: $3,250,000.00

Day 1: Abandon Board 8 and Board 8ers completely
Rejections: 21
Acceptances: 18
Statistics of acceptances:
Min: $-20
Max: $27,000,000,000,000
Average: $1,500,000,595,084
Average without outliers: $27433.67
Median: $10,250


Give Up Your Favorite Food forever.
Conveniently 'fall' into an exhibit full of dolphins at the local aquarium.
Insult Israel on live television.
Update every Board 8 Save My contest once an hour for three years.
Strahax writes your biography that becomes what everyone will remember you by.
Write A Book That Must Become A Bestseller Within A Year, or Die. (Stipulation: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Genre, Length, up to you.)
You are given an option to find out the exact moment you'll die. You can not alter this fate, nor can you tell anyone about this information.
You do 3 porn videos. 1 vanilla, 1 group, and 1 random. The random one can not be mutilation or beastiality, or anything illegal. However, other genres are fair game.
You can't eat processed, fast, or "instant" foods for a year.
Live in Somalia for 1 month.
Participate in the Running of the Bulls.
Teach a kindergarten class for one month.
Spend the night in a suspected haunted house.
Have a curse placed on your favourite sports team, where they cannot win a championship in the next 25 years.

Everything is overrated - <D
I would gladly take 90 whippings and be sentenced to 2 years in jail than have my account warned. - NotYou
However much it costs to fly via first class established airline to New Zealand. I would move there for free if I could.

Fennec... :3

Hmm. Probably about a million would do it.

Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.
$5 million.

Probably move to Canada.

Pun's Rendition of Myself:
Anime List:
$8 million.

I want a nice cushion for all my loved ones to enjoy a good lifestyle, as well as for myself. I won't see some of them again and that's not cheap.

Twostuck, Homestuck RPG:

I live 20 min away from canada and have been looking for jobs over there as it is so moving there and still being able to have friends/family visit quite easily makes this not that hard. Money would be just enough to buy a small home for the most part.

Probably about $1 million. Canada is easily one of the best countries in the world, but I wouldn't mind moving to San Francisco if I had enough money for a nice place and I wouldn't really have to worry about getting a real job for a while.

It would definitely suck to never be able to come back since I love this place, but starting a new life sounds exciting enough that I'd probably take the money and then just regret it later.

$617 billion

I'd like enough money to purchase a sizable island in the pacific and make for myself the ultimate self-sustaining paradise.

SuperNiceDog ? More like GuruNiceDog.
A million.

White boards are remarkable.
Two mil. I'd do it for a lot lower if my parents and girlfriend were more likely to come.


US is the best

'You are obviously intelligent and insightful' - Sir Chris about me

No I'm not a damn furry. Looney Tunes are different. - Guiga
From: GenesisSaga | #004
However much it costs to fly via first class established airline to New Zealand. I would move there for free if I could.

I'm going to guess that would cost $5,000.

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
Can I go to Canada? If so, my price isn't very high.

You can go to Canada.

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
$100,000 and I'll move to Canada.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
$10,000 if I get to go to Japan.

Hm. "Forever" is the big problem here, but this is an easy accept.

Let's go 500k. Should cover the costs of moving and finishing school with some to spare

As for where I'd go, probably Britain (And almost certainly somewhere in Europe if not), but I'd need to do some serious research first

Hmm... even though I nom'd it, not sure where I'd go. Probably America, brother lives there.

So I guess just the price of a ticket from Indonesia to the US of A?

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog , Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
$5 million, it would probably take less to set me up with a bar on a Caribbean beach, but hey, that amount should make my life extremely comfortable.

RayDyn on his Droid, probably at work.

You saved science, SuperNiceDog!
Congratulations to the Kentucky Wildcats , NCAA basketball champions!
I'll definitely do it for...1 Million

SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0

I ****ing love my country.

Enough to buy a house and live on until I can get myself a job. So like 100-200k

MZero the extreme
yes i am Yugi i have spike hair and i play card games with ugly monsters on them its time to Duel -ertyu
Enough for me and my family to move to Wales (if that doesn't count, Canada) and live comfortably.

Let's just call it £1,000,000 I guess. More I guess.

"whats a matter afried i might boobs punch you" - ertyu
Do territories (i.e. Puerto Rico) count as part of the nation you're leaving?

North Korea: $9 trillion
Everywhere else: $945,699.54

EDIT: What happened to my decimal sign? It randomly dissapeared

HK-47: The very best there is when you absolutely positively have to kill every meatbag in the room. Accept no substitutes!
In the future everyone, please estimate your own costs of things and post those amounts. I'm guessing on the cost of things, and considering that I fly on average of once per 3 years, I don't really know how much some flights would even cost. Also, please convert to US dollars before voting, so it's easier on me.

Counting XIII's vote as $1,552,400.

Everything is overrated - <D
I would gladly take 90 whippings and be sentenced to 2 years in jail than have my account warned. - NotYou
Do territories (i.e. Puerto Rico) count as part of the nation you're leaving?

Yes, they do.

Everything is overrated - <D
I would gladly take 90 whippings and be sentenced to 2 years in jail than have my account warned. - NotYou
3. You can move to any country you want, you can bring anything (and anyone) you want assuming it's legal to do so

Since I can bring anyone, I'd say $100,000

Sign up for the Gamefaqs Rap Battle League
$5 million would be enough to convince me to head to Canada

My only regret is not having faith in Phoenix Wright. Hats off to SuperNiceDog
Forever is the hard part because that will limit your work down the road. But for a minimum... 750k. 500 is too low for what I'll be losing, but the extra should be manageable.

The King Wang.
Listen up Urinal Cake. I already have something that tells me if I'm too drunk when I pee on it: My friends. - Colbert.

I've seen things like Man without a country >.>

From: Zachnorn | #030
In the future everyone, please estimate your own costs of things and post those amounts. I'm guessing on the cost of things, and considering that I fly on average of once per 3 years, I don't really know how much some flights would even cost. Also, please convert to US dollars before voting, so it's easier on me.

Counting XIII's vote as $1,552,400.

Oh sorry.

Count it as an even $1.5 mil

Official Board 8 ~Trendstter~
Dude, I was checking it >_>

Anyway, apparently it costs around $1,500.

Lets round it up and say... $ 1,00,000. Should last me until I find another job... then again... finalize at 1 million dollars.

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog , Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest

K | H | A | Q | Q | A | H | K
"we're about 50 years behind the rest of western society." -icon on B8
Oh sorry.

Count it as an even $1.5 mil

No problem, and I'll count it as $1.5 million.

Dude, I was checking it >_>

I wasn't really referring to you, but just saying to everyone that I prefer numbers to "a plane ticket" or "a Big Mac" or something like that. Just for my own sanity :)

Everything is overrated - <D
I would gladly take 90 whippings and be sentenced to 2 years in jail than have my account warned. - NotYou

Enough for a plane ticket and a financial cushion until I got going on my own. I almost said free though. As much as I love Amurica, I've already tried to stay in Australia once and never come back but my extension s*** didn't go through in time.


Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
SuperNiceDog : Guru winner
5 million.

Over 4 million to convince the girlfriend to leave and never come back and a little for me to pay for travel costs and a new house.

Either canada, the UK, New Zealand or Sweden. Sweden depends on how hard the language is to learn, New Zealand depends on if it has crazy huge bugs like Australia.

Warning_Crazy Winner of Board 8 Big Brother!
"better than ngamer"- nick
$1 Million

This is war. Survival is your responsiblity.
what if my current nation of residence later takes over the world
500,000 CAD (493,534.70 US dollars)

I'll move to the states and buy a new house.

For not even being able to visit?

Like 3 mil.

I ****ing love to cuddle.
I'm being oppressed!
i'll say 100k

Boko United - Geriatric Titanium Mustache
Guru Taken Miraculously by SuperNiceDog
From: HeroicGammaRay | #044
what if my current nation of residence later takes over the world

Then you're exempt, but you must go to any place in the world where your current country of residence hasn't taken over before that happens.

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
No no no.

Deported to the moon.

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog , Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
To a moon colony, yes

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
Board 8 » Name Your Price: Leave your current nation of residence forever.
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