Ever have a teacher you absolutely hated and hoped that karma would happen?

Board 8

Definitely, though the worst of them hasn't had any sort of karmic punishment that I'm aware of. Though, having to live in her obscenely obese body might qualify as punishment enough.

My middle school vice-principal, at least, got some punishment. He was known for taking long glances at girls who were violating the dress code in obvious ways (underwear showing, etc.) before notifying them. Definitely caught him staring at quite a few girls who were bent over for one reason or another. His most egregious offense toward me was ignoring a death threat. There were a couple of brothers that despised me. They literally actively looked down on intelligence; favorite sport was football "because it's tough," liked hunting deer "because it's tough," were Republicans because they liked war "because it's tough," etc. They hated me for being in programs "for smart kids" and being a vegetarian; really the only people that tried to bully me whatsoever during grade school. One of the brothers randomly decided to grab me and throw me down on the ground in the hall one day in 6th grade and tell me he was going to bring his gun to school and shoot me, with plenty of witnesses around to see. This was reported very quickly to administration and my parents came in several times to try and get something done about that but the vice-principal refused claiming that there was nothing he could do about it. I imagine that was largely due to him being very good buddies with the guy's father. Unfortunately, the VP's still employed, but he at least was absent most of my last two years of middle school due to major respiratory problems stemming from a huge asthmatic attack. Was quite satisfying when I saw him return for a day to see how red and swollen he was.

For a karmic victory over the idiot brothers, while the one who made the death threat hasn't had anything terrible happen to him, his brother has probably had more than enough punishment. Due to some hormonal issues, he never reached puberty. His parents eventually got him treatment for that, but due to all of the hormones pumped into the guy, he looks hilarious. He's got a giant body, but his head is absolutely tiny. Looks like they went to the gym, grabbed some random bro, cut off his head and put a 10 year old's head on the body. Anyone else I'd feel sorry for, but the kid was still trying to be a dick to me at the end of high school.
