Ever have a teacher you absolutely hated and hoped that karma would happen?

Board 8

My story with having the worst teacher ever in my life back in 5th Grade is a little more dramatic but I will do tell.


I had her as my teacher back in 5th Grade. I remember in general I didn't like that year at all. For 127 days I had to deal with being in a classroom of 22/23 kids where 17 of them were girls and only 6 of them were guys. The kids if I remember correctly back then in Elementary School were handpicked by the teachers so screw this b***h.

That year was complete misery for me. Do you know what happens with girls around that time when they are in 5th Grade? They want to deal with trying to "grow up" in the world trying to be away from the parents and start trying to fill in the shoes their Mother would eventually pass on to them at yes even at an age early as 11. Every single of those girls I had to deal with during that year were virtually all the same to me that treated me like gunk everyday like I worthless in this world for being a skinny arm twit that could never see me get a girlfriend in my life.

All of those girls in the classroom (including the teacher Ms. Carroll) hated just the slightest mention of video games in the room every way in some how some way or form. All of them were concerned about fashion and making a big deal how nice it was to have their parents stay up late and watch an episode of Family Guy at 11:00 at night on Adult Swim and referencing it at school with nothing else to do when they could at the very least not seem worthless in my eyes and play volleyball or tennis or something. Not a single one of those girls were like that. Fat and disgusting and not pretty in the slightest.

Ms. Heather Carroll eventually (I don't know if she was in a fine mood that day or not) came over screaming at me in my face for being so much different then any of the girls she had in the classroom and made me flip my desk over with all of my supplies spilling out on to the floor and I had to pick up the mess she made all by myself and the rest of the kids - or should I say trannies made fun of me all day as I was fixing up the mess she made all over the floor she and the other kids were laughing at me and my mess she made as I cleaned it by myself while I was crying.

She still teaches at the Elementary School that I went to back in 5th Grade - seven long years ago and I don't think I will forgive her for it. I just wished something unsuspecting and horrifying would happen to her like her wedding ring getting flushed down the toilet or something and getting dumped by her husband. I don't know but she was just a c***.

Goodbye Elementary School.

Tom Kenny. The best voice actor alive today.