The new Civ expansion comes out tomorrow.

Board 8

From: baron von toast | #047
Nonsensical bull****. I don't even know how to make heads or tails of the AI opinion of the player. Caesar has declared war on me no fewer than 5 times, but after every single war he goes right back to friendly with the only opinion modifier being "we were at war but they don't seem to hold a grudge." And then he goes straight from friendly to war and back again and we repeat the whole process again and again. Meanwhile, everyone else bounces around between friendly and guarded and denouncing me with little seeming to change in the process. Some of them I understand because I might have sort of taken their capital from them so it makes sense that they hate me forever, but most of them just happen out of the blue. I go to see why Siam suddenly wants to denounce me after we just exchanged BFF bracelets and the only opinion modifier is that he is currently denouncing me. What the hell.

How are there people that still don't understand this

The AI is playing to win the game in this Civ. If they feel the only way they can do that is by declaring war on you, they'll do so. Your 'friends' aren't there to help you win, they're allied with you because they think they can use you and still stay ahead of you, or piggyback off you while they're weaker to eventually catapult them ahead somehow.

Being friendly while you're running away with the game doesn't help them win, so they'll backstab you. Forgiving them every time so they can do it again is just a bad decision on your part here.
