Board 8 Minecraft Server: Tekkit 3 Edition. Full server is now up! [PC]

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Board 8 » Board 8 Minecraft Server: Tekkit 3 Edition. Full server is now up! [PC]
Finally, it begins! With Tekkit 3, we'll essentially get out of the stone age of Minecraft and into a more industrial era. I may do things like set up special projects and such as well. There's also an economy and other stuff. This should be fun!

tl;dr version: Server is at You must install Tekkit 3 to play (details below). The rules sum up to "don't be a jerk" but they're worth reading. There's some server plugins that are optional (including economy, shops, and property stuff) and discussed in a link.

Server info:
Max players: 6
Server plugins (you don't install these, but you can use them): Essentials, HyperConomy, SignShop, Residence
Announcements (updated regularly):

How to install/use Tekkit
1. Go to and select a download for your operating system
2. Download it, open it, and select "Tekkit" from the drop down box on the top left.
3. Click Options on the bottom right corner. Select "manual build selection" and then select "3.0.3| 1.2.5 | Latest" from the list. Click OK.
4. Enter your Minecraft login information, then login. Wait for it to download and open, then log into the server as usual

Server rules:
General rules:
1. No griefing, no stealing, no trolling, no flaming. Let's keep it fun.
2. Not a rule, but I'd recommend using Residence to protect your property. /res handles most stuff with Residence.
3. Feel free to invite your non-Board 8 friends, as long as they won't break the rules!

Mod-specific rules:
1. BUILDCRAFT: Keep quarries away from places where they could be disruptive. Examples: near people's houses, spawn, mines, etc. Put a layer of something (dirt, sandstone, etc.) and a sign to make it less dangerous afterwards.
2. INDUSTRIALCRAFT: Keep nuclear reactors in safe areas. Use reinforced stone, and keep it monitored or shut off with redstone.
3. Don't steal power, electricity, Blutricity, etc.
4. In general, don't abuse mods to make them destructive or annoying.

About the economy/store/property plugins
They are completely optional, and just for fun. However, details are too long for this post and may change. Details about them are here if you're interested:

Have fun!

Zachnorn Everything = overrated.
The world doesn't load for me but I'm pretty sure it's my fault somehow.

"[This is perfect. I have always fought with these kinds of cards. You say that I have lost the moment I was dealt? It's just the same as always!]"
*leave everything in a chest to retrieve after you die of hunger*

*forget where chest was*


it is somewhere in the desert and snow. nothing important in it, but if you are desperate for a little bit of wood feel free to take a little bit.

There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
oh, its right near my sandstone house then

boring and mundane signature
Now with more bold! Less Italics due to bold

Sig space for rent. Got something you'd like to see spread around? Give me a shout out, I'll probably sig it.
i never noticed how damn hardcore wolves are

"[This is perfect. I have always fought with these kinds of cards. You say that I have lost the moment I was dealt? It's just the same as always!]"

I hate creepers

and endermen

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
Server is back up.

Everything is overrated - <D
I would gladly take 90 whippings and be sentenced to 2 years in jail than have my account warned. - NotYou
Anyone unable to get on ?

"[This is perfect. I have always fought with these kinds of cards. You say that I have lost the moment I was dealt? It's just the same as always!]"
Yeah, I don't seem to be able to get back on

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
Authentication servers are down or something

Blargh, get some free time and wanted to get something accomplished but no, minecraft has to suddenly be lulz about working. How inconsiderate of it!

Ah wells, maybe tomorrow

There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
I'm lonely. :(

Anyway, I will use this time to make a farm.

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
I have come to the conclusion that stuff is too overpriced for the amount of money you get at the start of the game.

Because of this, I have increased everyone's account by $90, and I am changing the amount new players start with to $100. Not a lot of money still, but reasonable enough to buy land, or at least buy food. I also find that the server's shop was configured for a much larger server, and therefore, I've scaled things down. Prices for things are the same, but I am scaling it down a bit.

Everything is overrated - <D
I would gladly take 90 whippings and be sentenced to 2 years in jail than have my account warned. - NotYou

[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
Server is going to be down for a bit. A plugin is causing a lot of problems.

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
You know what, this is probably a sign that I should get some sleep >_>

Argh, just as the server went down I was attempting to kill a rogue Enderman in my house. In the brief time I was allowed back in, he wasn't in there any more. Now he's going to get me when I least expect it. :(

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
SuperNiceDog : Guru winner
I was standing like right on the edge of a pool of lava when the server went down >_>

I give up for now. I really need to sleep since I am getting up in less than 4 hours.

Anything related to Essentials is not working except for ops. For those that know about servers, this looks like it might be some YAML errors with permissions, or a conflict with Essentials. Going to try to fix it later sometime, when my mind is working a bit better.

Everything is overrated - <D
I would gladly take 90 whippings and be sentenced to 2 years in jail than have my account warned. - NotYou
Playing around with Tekkit on single-player; I'm beginning to like it.

Holy cow...there is literally two dungeons stuck together. (Can't find the images, sadly)

Woo...phase one of my house is complete. aka it has four walls and a ceiling and a floor and doesn't look completely horrible.

will definitely be expanding it...right after i erect some protective barriers between it and the wild >_>;;

There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
external image

I'd be interested. Clearly being slain by a snorlax has instilled me with a desire for justice! :P

Kind of short notice, but I need moderators in the server. Moderators can do a lot of the stuff I can, except change the economy settings, change dates, and do server management stuff. Moderators can kick, ban, jail, unjail, and track people. They are the anti-griefing police. In cases of problems with the server, they (well, anyone really, but especially moderators) can contact me on AIM/Yahoo (Zachnorn)

Please post here if you are interested, and include your Minecraft name if it is different from your GameFAQs username. I'll need to know by tomorrow. Please only apply if you're willing to help out and won't abuse the powers. If you apply and don't get accepted, please understand that I'm only looking for a few moderators at this time, and I am selecting very active players.

So, anyone want to be a moderator?

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
What's your Minecraft username? I've been losing track of names on Minecraft and GameFAQs, sorry >_>

Everything is overrated - <D
I would gladly take 90 whippings and be sentenced to 2 years in jail than have my account warned. - NotYou
TenmaAkuma. I changed my nickname on the server so it should be clearer in the future.

Sig space for rent. Got something you'd like to see spread around? Give me a shout out, I'll probably sig it.
Well, this is the first time I'd be able to get on and do something. Of course, by now all the resources are probably taken.

JeffreyRaze: Awesome, thanks!

GenesisTwilight: Don't worry, there's plenty of stuff around. If not, there are stores where you can buy/sell resources you need. Some people also have their own shops. There is also various supplies at the new Bro House.

By the way, the command to change your nickname is /nick [username] if anyone wants to know.

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
The world of minecraft has ten times the surface area of the earth. I really don't think we'll run out of resources to exploit. Not that exploring that far on a server is a great idea >_>...

Anyways, I'll be on in a while, I've got some things to do first though.

JeffreyRaze posted...
The world of minecraft has ten times the surface area of the earth. I really don't think we'll run out of resources to exploit. Not that exploring that far on a server is a great idea >_>...

Oh yeah; I remember reading a topic about that once on B8! That a Minecraft world is somewhere on par with Uranus or Neptune; somehting like that.

For clarity: Ytterbium_70 will be known as Darkwellor in this server.

Nooooo the server is full

Now what will I do for ten minutes before Game of Thrones comes on?

I just left. One spot open!

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
Started lagging, crashed, logged back in, suddenly was is lava for no ****ing reason, died, crashed.

Dear Minecraft:
external image

If there's a block list or however that works, players lolitroll and xtommy7x or whatever his name was are griefers.

Zach, weren't you going to make me a mod?


Residence commands. /res set (name) destroy false at least protects your land. Still trying to sort out chest stealing.




There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
I'm really sorry for my lack of attention on this server today. This has been a chaotic day, getting ready for my trip and all. JeffreyRaze is now a mod. The griefers have been banned. Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do about the Bro House right now. However, please let me know what exactly they did so I could at least give items to repair damage.

From this point forward, I can only administrate from my phone. There are only a limited number of things I can do, so please keep that in mind. Please AIM me if anything comes up, and I will try to be a bit better about responding. Thanks again for your understanding.

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
From what I hear, they actually didn't do too much-- mostly just broke some machines. Don't worry too much about it.

They stole GearlessRobot's copper too (I'm sorry I don't know your B8 name) but I gave him some of my copper.

Alright, thanks for the info.

Server is now back up.

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
hm, apparently i need to clean my computer seems to be running a bit hotter than normal....or maybe that is a consequence for playing minecraft too many hours in a row >_>;;

might just be the water cooling needing it as a free upgrade when i got the computer...figured i wouldn't need to mess with it for at least a few years. is now been about that long. thanks past self >_<

There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
apparently tin wire is not good enough for a solar array? what do i need then to prevent my wire from fizzling?

*is now deprived of solar power*

edit: used a slightly more durable wire...but had to relocate the solar arrays right next to the mfe as the distance was too great for gold wire it seems. so i got my solar power mostly back, but a few issues make it almost impossible to work with.

one is this constant leak that i seem to have now for some reason. not using any redstone anything, and all my machines are off.. another is when wrenching up solar panels to make into arrays, some turned into generators.

most infuriating -_-

There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
I'm just solely using diamond glass fiber wires, because **** it, 64 coal is easy enough to find and I'll never need to upgrade for new voltages.

Created a portal in my base...and it linked to Jeff's

Damn it

Iirc you need to be a certain length from other portals when in multiplayer. I forget the distance though.

There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
Board 8 » Board 8 Minecraft Server: Tekkit 3 Edition. Full server is now up! [PC]
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