I'm going to be an uncle.

Board 8

Board 8 » I'm going to be an uncle.
It's a scary thought, or maybe it isn't. I can't decide yet. I just found out and it was completely unexpected so it needs more time to sink in.

I've been an uncle since I was like 5, its not a big deal =p

| Brawl: ROB | SGs: Peacock/Double | 3S: Makoto | Marvel: PW/Trish/Arthur |
I was born and uncle. It's not that hard.

more like FartASStronaut
Being an uncle isn't that hard, unless they make you the godfather!

I have been an uncle for 5 years. If your sister is going to be a single mother who lives with you, it kind of sucks since you basically become the kids father. But if you live away and just come to visit, it's pretty awesome.

Well, it's pretty awesome either way, just more awesome one way than the other

"One of these days, I'm gonna find a loophole my friend." - Man in Black

and it literally is something that you can enjoy, or shrug off. Don't worry about it, just enjoy the benefits.

Mr Caffeine? He was awesome. - Ayuyu
I guess it's not exactly scary, but I worry for my sister since her fiance isn't the most reliable guy and they weren't planning on having a baby. Everybody is pretty much in shock right now.

I've been an uncle since I was 3 months old. I was in the same class as my niece in middle school. I think being an uncle is pretty cool.

Being an uncle can be a lot of fun. It really depends on whether or not your sibling uses their children as pawns when they have their histrionic episodes, where they tell their kids that despite the fact you live in the same house, they are not to talk to you, and then she'll make things as unwelcoming as she can even though she's just as much a guest as you are and WHO THE HELL DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?! DOES SHE REALLY THINK SHE HAS ANY GODDAMNED SAY AS TO WHO I CAN AND CAN'T TALK TO?! WELL, SHE CAN GO TO HELL! I'VE FREAKING HAD IT! I'M SICK OF NOT BEING ABLE TO BUY STUFF FOR THE REFRIGERATOR BECAUSE SHE'S GOT ALL HER CRAP IN THERE. BUT OOOOHHHH, THAT'S FOR THE KIIIIIIDS, SO THAT MAKES IT ALL RIGHT TO MAKE LIFE COMPLETELY UNBEARABLE FOR BOTH ME AND MY PARENTS.

Anyway. So long as your sister isn't completely unhinged and isn't intent on making life as hellish as possible, being an uncle can be fun.

<p> From: FartAstronaut69 | #003
I was born and uncle. It's not that hard.</p>

Born-an-uncle master race

MZero the extreme
yes i am Yugi i have spike hair and i play card games with ugly monsters on them its time to Duel -ertyu
I've been an uncle for 4 years. I love my nephew and two nieces. My sister is a single parent so I help her out by looking after my nephew about once a week; it's great.

Caught siphoning grooves from the local disco.
Already an uncle, it's easy as ****. All I ever have to do is pose for pictures.

Board 8 » I'm going to be an uncle.