the worst part about Steam is easily...

Board 8

From: OctilIery | #007
UltimaterializerX posted...
Haven't liked it since my friend bought Portal 2. Forced a Steam install, then wouldn't work anyway and he had to hack into Steam to get his game to work. Any program that forces a game to not work out-of-box is a bad program.

Except this story is likely bogus and there's nothing wrong with needing steam to play a game.

Given I bought him the game for Christmas, I was pretty mad when it wouldn't work. What he eventually did was literally hack into Steam, figure out whatever it was "doing" to Portal and then swapped the Portal registry with a different Steam game. I'm not great with computers so I don't know exactly what he did, but it seemed like a giant hassle. Then he switched them back after beating Portal. The whole thing was dumb and turned me off from Steam.

Get the X out.
Vinateri was using his god powers on the Pats and then was like "Wait I'm a Colt now lol" and now you have it.