mcflubbin's Baccano! watchthrough topic! [third time's the charm!]

Board 8

Episode 13 Cont.

All of the red stuff that had enveloped Cole is gone, leaving Isaac and Miria even more shocked than before. Jacuzzi is about to run at Vino, but Vino puts up his finger and waggles it with authority. Then he runs away. Um…okay. He appears just to look menacing, and then he leaves. Whatever, man. Jacuzzi looks relieved, and then Donny pops his head up onto the roof. Cole starts to wake up, and he wants Isaac to lower his head a little bit more so that he can devour him. Just before he can, Isaac grabs Cole’s hand, and he and Miria tell Cole how happy they are that he’s alive. Whew, dodged a bullet there. Cole almost singlehandedly ruined the show.

Anyways, Miria says that she’s happy, but she doesn’t know how all of his injuries have healed. Using his…quick wit, Isaac says that it’s because the Rail Tracer gobbles up naughty children, so he let Cole go once he realized that Cole isn’t naughty. Cole gets mad, and says that he actually is a naughty boy. He lied; he isn’t actually going to see his family in New York because he doesn’t actually have a family. Of course, Isaac and Miria start to tear up, and Isaac declares that Cole should just leave everything to Uncle Isaac. Being a touching moment and all, Cole starts to cry. Jacuzzi screams Isaac’s name, and then Jacuzzi and friends wave to Isaac and friends. Yay, everybody’s happy.

Firo walks over to Ennis. Ennis is very weak, so she asks him to devour her just like he devoured Szilard. Since he devoured Szilard and now has all of his knowledge, he knows exactly how to restore Ennis. By poking her on the forehead. Yeah, it was pretty complicated. Anyways, Firo and Ennis then formally introduce themselves, in another touching moment. All of the mob guys start whistling and hollering at Firo. Never late to the party, Isaac and Miria rush up and start whistling too.

At the Gandor hideout in 1932, Gustavo’s boss guy (whose name escapes me) asks Luck what happened to Dallas Genoard. Apparently, Dallas and his cohorts were shoved into barrels, which were then filled with concrete and thrown into the Hudson River. Eve, of course, is upset. Luck says he doesn’t apologize for what he did (Dallas did kill a bunch of his dudes, after all), but he does offer Eve his condolences. I really do feel bad for Eve here. She’s just a sweet little girl. Anyways, Gustavo’s boss guy (GBG) asks Luck if it’d be alright if he picked Dallas up, and Luck agrees. GBG also gives Eve his word that she’ll be allowed to see him. Gustavo wakes up. He’s so happy to see his boss! GBG lulzily shoots Gustavo. Why? Just because. Eve and GBG depart, leaving Elean with the Gandors.

Hey, Isaac and Miria are getting off of the train. They greet Firo, Isaac, and Ennis, who’re waiting for them on the platform. Maiza smiles as he sees Cole. Isaac and Miria introduce Cole to everyone. They say they brought him as a gift for Ennis, so that he could be her little brother. That way, they could both have someone important in their lives. That’s sweet…in a disturbing kind of way. Maiza approaches Cole. In his head, Cole reveals that Maiza was the man he was sent to devour. With Maiza standing over him, Cole accepts his fate. When Maiza doesn’t devour him, Cole collapses into Maiza’s arms, saying how much he’s missed him. Sure, okay then.

In the alleyway, Maiza apologizes to Firo for thrusting the curse of Immortality onto them. Firo says it’s okay, living forever isn’t that bad. Everybody in the alley agrees, so they start to party, and the credits start to roll early. On top of the train, Vino finally reads Chane’s message. She says she’ll wait for him forever in Manhattan.

Series Fin.

The elk. They're out for blood.