mcflubbin's Baccano! watchthrough topic! [third time's the charm!]

Board 8

Two whitesuits are holding up one of the passenger cars. They have an awesome plan. They pull out their guns.
Whitesuit 1: “Give us all of ya money!”
Whitesuit 2: “And show us your ****, too!” (rhymes with grits)
Unfortunately, Donny walks in and knocks ‘em out, ruining the awesomeness. Jacuzzi picks up one of their guns and nervously declares that they’re in charge of the train now. The bartender welcomes him happily, and Jacuzzi looks a bit relieved.

In 1932, Eve is still shocked that Luck is immortal and Gustavo is knocked out (or dead, I can’t tell). The head Runorada (his name is Don) walks in and receives a surprisingly warm reception. He offers Luck to join the Runoradas, but he declines. He then demands to know where Dallas is. Nobody says anything, and Eve looks on. The episode ends.
