mcflubbin's Baccano! watchthrough topic! [third time's the charm!]

Board 8

Episode 11 Cont.

Back on top of the train, Vino talks to Chane. He asks her a question, but she doesn’t answer, because she’s kinda mute. Vino walks past Ladd and declares that he’ll stay out of their fight for now, and he’ll kill whoever wins. This pisses off Ladd, who attacks him, but Vino dodges with some ridiculous gymnastics flip. Vino starts to lean towards Chane’s side, since he overheard Ladd talking about how Chane was opposed to the hijacking in the first place. Everything about Vino infuriates Ladd. Vino claims that only the truly strong possess mercy and compassion (…), and Ladd throws a tantrum. An intense standoff between all three participants, but of course, we’re gonna have to wait to see what happens.

Firo mad. He wants to know why Ennis won’t let him go help out his friends. He pins Ennis against the wall and asks who she is. Before she can answer, he peers in through one of the bullet holes in the wall and sees Szilard and Maiza talking. He demands that Ennis tells him who the old man is, even though there isn’t really anything that implies that Ennis knows who Szilard is. Maybe she was just concerned for Firo’s safety? Well anyways, Szilard tells Maiza that all of this bloodshed could have been avoided had Maiza just shared his secret a long time ago.

Downstairs, (where everybody else is chillin’) the 3 Gandors tell the head Martello guy that they want to go investigate all of the commotion, because they suspect that it’s their fault. Meanwhile, Szilard is trying to absorb Maiza and stuff. They’re talking about Szilard’s motivations. Just outside, apparently Ennis spilled the beans about the immortality stuff to Firo, who actually believes her. He attempts to rush in, but Ennis tackles him again. Again, Firo manages to get the upper hand, so Ennis tells him that Szilard created her, and can even destroy her with a simple thought. She lives to serve him. This makes Firo mad. How can somebody be so selfish? Sometime during this exchange, Maiza and Szilard manage to make it to a warehouse. Szilard is actually giving Maiza a pretty thorough ass whooping, a result of the skills he obtained by absorbing people. He discovers the box that should have had the immortality potion in it, and is disappointed to find it empty. Maiza has no idea what’s going on.

Ennis compares herself to Szilard’s daughter, and Firo tells her that fathers don’t kill their daughters, which is a valid point. Firo’s anger isn’t directed at Ennis though, so he helps her up. Dallas and immortal friends are standing behind them, which confuses everybody. Back on the train, we’re back to the scene with Vino choking Cole. He kills him, but surprise, surprise, he’s not actually dead. Cole smiles and tells Vino that he’s immortal. Vino is intrigued, and comments that that means that he can torture Cole in any way he wants to. Cole isn’t afraid though. He goes on to describe all of the types of pains he’s experienced before. Red hot fire tongs placed in his eyes. A nice cool dip in an acid bath. Being tossed into a fireplace and being burned alive. Oh….goodness. Wow. All of these were inflicted upon him by his father. That’s so rude. Apparently his father killed him on a daily basis for several years. What a twisted ****. That’s like, thousands of counts of murder. Jerk.

Anyways, to make Cole feel better, Vino describes a bunch of new types of pain that he’s sure Cole has never experienced before. You see, you learn a lot about these things when you’re an assassin and all. Whoa! Vino just bit Cole’s fingers off. Vino says he want to make Cole suffer so much that eventually he’ll never want to come back to life. You know, ever since I even heard about the idea of Immortals, I had thought of some scenario like this. What if somebody discovers you’re immortal? What’re they gonna do? Kill you over and over again? Apparently, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
