What kind of old person do you want to be?

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Current Events » What kind of old person do you want to be?
Oat Milk
I am not convinced that humanity will still be around by the time I am an old person
http://i.imgur.com/VeNBg.gif http://i.imgur.com/gd5jC8q.gif
http://i.imgur.com/PKIy7.gif http://i.imgur.com/3p29JqP.gif
I want to lie to people, letting them know that I mean lots of love when I type "lol", whenever they tell me something heartbreaking.

but I don't really mean lots of love.
"I could never encapsulate all my cosmicality on my own."
- mr. MFN eXquire. https://imgur.com/a/CwuPnzk
The kind that does not give a fart what CE thinks.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known https://photobucket.com/u/SwordOfWheat/a/9990a2ee-25f3-4242-ae79-7d2d4b882be4
Hermit. I basically am now and inly leave the house for work and groceries. Once Im retired Ill be almost completely a hermit. Its a lifestyle I enjoy. Im fairly old already though.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
alive mostly
Gamefaqs Community Organizer
The one that is dead before I'm a burden on my wife or children.

Anything beyond that is a bonus.

You gotta laugh. That is the one thing at the end of your life you will not wish you did less of.
Senile facade
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape & DMC 3 Ubisoft Port. He/Him
Hope I die before I get old.
"Bothering people when they're shopping or going to work or whatever because you find them attractive makes you scum of the earth."
Doesn't take a lot of brains to be a good fighter.
I listened to my USB-c powered CD player earlier today, actually.
Arguing on CE be all like:
Don't care what my grandkids say. In my house you play Super Nintendo!
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
The super buff old man
Its not certain how much time we have left. I'm in my 40s but some are now saying civilization only has 20 years to go maybe. I feel really bad for people who are kids right now. Their future is being destroyed
You gonna do somethin' or just stand there and bleed?
Do not write in this space.
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
I want to have lunch at an Irish Pub while reading the newspaper everyday.
Dedicated to D - 4/15/05
None of those, I am going to be active and cool af
Currently playing - Stellar Blade
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archizzy posted...
Hermit. I basically am now and inly leave the house for work and groceries. Once Im retired Ill be almost completely a hermit. Its a lifestyle I enjoy. Im fairly old already though.
^this. But I also want to help people. People have given me a life. I feel I'm half way there. I dont want to be famous. I want people to remember me fondly. I want them to say

"You know Vyce he really cared about people". He gave everything of himself and never wanted anything in return.

I hate people that treat me like I want something. A opportunist. I dont work that way never have never will. I feel its the accusers reflection because thats how they function.
I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me-
I'd be a huge hermit if I could be.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
Current Events » What kind of old person do you want to be?