''I'm only so critical about this product because I'm so passionate about it!''

Current Events

Current Events » ''I'm only so critical about this product because I'm so passionate about it!''
Have you said or seen others say this or similar? What are you feelings about this statement?

Whenever I call someone out for taking something too seriously this is usually one of the defenses people used to justify being so emotional about it.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
I see this used *for people* too often, I can't recall it ever being used for products

It invariably makes me roll my eyes and consign the person using it to being ignored
Why not go all in?
Voidgolem posted...
I see this used *for people* too often, I can't recall it ever being used for products

It invariably makes me roll my eyes and consign the person using it to being ignored
I see it all the time in the Star Wars and WWE fandom.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
diablo 4 comes to mind
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The old meme that the most diehard of Star Wars fans only like two or three of the twelve Star Wars films comes to mind for me.

As for me personally, I try to let things that annoy me in things I otherwise like slide. Life's too short to fixate on the negatives.

Unless the Cubs, Hawks, or Bears piss me off. Those fucking bastards that I love, damn them.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
Oh, it's a peeve of mine.

I have asked a person outright if they hated a thing they were critiquing so hard about (can't remember what it was exactly, but it was a video game...might have been Mass Effect).

They said no they didn't, they actually like the game, but I did point out they were throwing a TON of shade about the game that it gave me the perception they disliked it.

There's nothing wrong with nitpicking or getting in some critique in something you enjoy, but wish could be better in some form or fashion.
It's when people go overboard that gets on my nerves.
" I will be your superhero !!!"
Other Titles in a nutshell
Star Wars fans
Arguing on CE be all like:
BombermanGold posted...
I have asked a person outright if they hated a thing they were critiquing so hard about (can't remember what it was exactly, but it was a video game...might have been Mass Effect).

They said no they didn't, they actually like the game, but I did point out they were throwing a TON of shade about the game that it gave me the perception they disliked it.
Wish people would just admit they love to complain. I love to complain. It's one of my favorite privileges.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
The DnD stream Critical Role has two subreddits. One is just r/criticalrole. The other one is r/fansofcriticalrole.

The latter one sprang up either around CR's third campaign or their EXU miniseries which are not nearly as well received as anything else CR has put out. Admittedly, the original sub has a little bit of a toxic positivity problem, so I was fine at first with a second one to more openly criticize aspects of the show, but I eventually had to unsubscribe because FoCR is absolutely just a hater sub.

The tipping point for me was when one of the players did something he was told would be extremely dangerous. He ended up taking hundreds of points of damage and had to make ten back-to-back saving throws. A single failure would instantly make him explode, killing him in a way beyond the party's available resurrection powers.

To me, that seemed like an extremely difficult challenge that matched the difficulty of what he was trying, but the hater sub was absolutely outraged that the DM hadn't just instantly killed him with no chance of success.

But even now, if you ask why everyone there keeps watching something they obviously hate, you'll get an almost boilerplate response: "Well, we're real fans of the show, we just criticize it because we know it can be really good and want it to be better."

This despite every episode's watch topic being filled with personal insults towards the players.
https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
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If done in good faith, it can be well deserve criticism that will improve said product. The ones that are annoying are the ones that do nothing but say negative things about everything.
I say this, but only about things I actually do genuinely like. Like I love Elden Ring, but I can talk for hours about what I think it does wrong and how it could be improved, and I like ToTK but I can and have ranted about how absolutely dogshit the durability system is there and how it negatively impacts every single part of the game (with 2-3 exceptions).

But I don't really complain about things I actively dislike. You'll never see me go on a rant about Hitman Reborn or Lords of the Fallen OG like you could with anything else.
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
For some things it can make sense. Take Nintendo for example, fans had a right to complain about the back half of the Wii era and the entire Wii U era. Thankfully, they course-corrected with the Switch and now the fans are happy again

For other things though, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Naughty Dog for example, does not give a shit about old fans. They are only interested in cultivating a specific type of new fan. This is why they do or say things to, quite deliberately, piss off their fanbase. So idk why fans of their old stuff would even pay attention to them anymore

I'm surprised to see many people decrying this way of thinking though. The "don't think, just consume" toxic positivity mindset is not a good one
BombermanGold posted...
Oh, it's a peeve of mine.

I have asked a person outright if they hated a thing they were critiquing so hard about (can't remember what it was exactly, but it was a video game...might have been Mass Effect).

They said no they didn't, they actually like the game, but I did point out they were throwing a TON of shade about the game that it gave me the perception they disliked it.

There's nothing wrong with nitpicking or getting in some critique in something you enjoy, but wish could be better in some form or fashion.
It's when people go overboard that gets on my nerves.

i remember the tons of abuse the developers got for the end of Mass Effect 3
i mean, it was a shit ending until the made the Extended Cut, but some of it got out of hand
Kremlin delenda est
It is a true statement most of the time.

When complaints or praise stops that means people have stopped caring.
Current Events » ''I'm only so critical about this product because I'm so passionate about it!''