How do you know you're addicted to something?

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Current Events » How do you know you're addicted to something?
How do you know something is a problem at some point? Asking for a friend
If you're spending the majority of your time and/or money on it, that's a pretty massive red flag.
Tyranny just overthrew you. Your gun's no use 'cause they outdrew you.
But you don't realize it do you, that the truth is now long gone.
What if the thing is like 20 minutes a day, and the person uses it as a coping mechanism for feeling shitty? >_>
If you can't live in a healthy fashion without it.
Goodness knows, the wicked's lives are lonely; goodness knows, the wicked die alone.
Blastia posted...
What if the thing is like 20 minutes a day, and the person uses it as a coping mechanism for feeling shitty? >_>

If you are only jerking it 20 minutes a day then you are fine.
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When you can't stop doing it and you can't stop thinking about doing it. When it gets to the point where it interferes with more important things in your life.
XBox Live GT: MastaMez PSN: KoolMez
The Topic Killer \_0_/
Try to stop doing it for a few days and if you can't or it's constantly on your mind, then you're probably addicted.
To me, the tipping point is when you become embarrassed about it.

I guess everyone's different and maybe some people just don't have any shame or whatever, but like, if I ever find myself hoping nobody notices it's my third cup of coffee for the day, I'm gonna call that a red flag.
Arguing on CE be all like:
Blastia posted...
What if the thing is like 20 minutes a day, and the person uses it as a coping mechanism for feeling shitty? >_>
That doesn't sound like an addiction. Though it may end up that way.

If it's potentially harmful, then try to get some professional help to develop other coping strategies.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Let in the refugees, deport the racists.
Dakimakura posted...
If you are only jerking it 20 minutes a day then you are fine.
Who said anything about jerking it? Hahah. You crazy, man. You crazy.


Fine. I'll be honest. It's not so much the jerking off that bothers me. It's.... What I'm using to jerk off that is.

It feels like a compulsion. I watch to feel some type of intimacy. But I'm guess I'm scared that if I view this too much, I won't be used to an actual person. If I ever decide to start dating again
never mind what others are doing

you have a choice to make, you have to rest for 5-8 hours every day. Drink hot liquids and shower when needed

money is not the issue anymore. by now you couldve had that established from available resources

music helps on or not on your ears. Nike just do it attitude is what I prefer
Blastia posted...
Who said anything about jerking it? Hahah. You crazy, man. You crazy.


Fine. I'll be honest. It's not so much the jerking off that bothers me. It's.... What I'm using to jerk off that is.

It feels like a compulsion. I watch to feel some type of intimacy. But I'm guess I'm scared that if I view this too much, I won't be used to an actual person. If I ever decide to start dating again

What are you watching exactly? So long as you are aware that what you are watching is not an accurate depiction of reality then there should be no issue at all so long as you are even attracted to women (or men) to begin with. And if it turns out that what you are doing is something you enjoy even more than the real thing then that is even better for you.
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Current Events » How do you know you're addicted to something?