What food that's considered 'for kids' do you still eat?

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Current Events » What food that's considered 'for kids' do you still eat?
Chicken nuggets.particularly the Dino nuggets because for some reason theyre cheaper
Various breakfast cereals - Cap'n Crunch, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Frosted Flakes.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
Chef Boyardee
All your favorite RPGs: http://www.youtube.com/user/silvosforever
Mac & cheese, various cereals, peanut butter & jelly, maybe more.
Goodness knows, the wicked's lives are lonely; goodness knows, the wicked die alone.
Teething biscuits.

It's like a cookie version of beef jerky.
"History shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man. Go go Godzilla!"
Godzilla - Blue Oyster Cult
Fruit snacks
I agree with you, Blue. - FinalRockerdude, Vgmasta, ZeldaFan42, ObservanTeMK, Magoo111, E121Phi, re4master543, PJiddy, bloodmage3 (cont. in quote)
God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes, 'cause then you really might know what it's like to have to choose. - Everlast
Kinder chocolate.

You can get them in bars rather than the eggs.
Work in progress bass guitar sound- https://vocaroo.com/17qBOSAFwIfM https://voca.ro/1SflYnZYcUrr https://voca.ro/1k4Mz1W0pJ1S https://voca.ro/1o7ZHpB8wkAv
I only recently switched from Goldfish to Cheez-its.

Fruit snacks can be pretty good too.
Arguing on CE be all like:
Breast milk
I know it might be wrong, but I'm in love with Stacy's dong
Mike and Ikes made a small box thats only 33 cents. So I buy em in bulk and eat a box with my lunch everyday
Hell yes Dino nuggets.
~ my improv troupe ~
MartavisBryant posted...
Breast milk

masterpug53 posted...
Various breakfast cereals - Cap'n Crunch, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Frosted Flakes.

Frosted Flakes
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known https://photobucket.com/u/SwordOfWheat/a/9990a2ee-25f3-4242-ae79-7d2d4b882be4
I guess if you consider Mac and Cheese a "kiddie food". But there's plenty of gourmet M&C recipes out there.

Would a hamburger or hot dog be considered a kiddie food?
You gotta laugh. That is the one thing at the end of your life you will not wish you did less of.
Scorsese2002 posted...
I know it might be wrong, but I'm in love with Stacy's dong
CobraGT posted...
Frosted Flakes

Pretty darn good calorie count for a flavorful 'kids' cereal.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
I havent really stopped eating anything. I just eat healthier stuff more frequently.

Hard candy is something I dont enjoy as much as I once did. Sweets in general dont hit the same but I still have them

When Cameron Was in Egypt's Land
MartavisBryant posted...
Breast milk
Teddy Graham honey are nice digestible cookies.

Popsicles I still buy in the summer.

Nerds candy fun for a change up once & awhile.
MartavisBryant posted...
Breast milk
Please don't tell me you've been stealing it from the office fridge. Stealing food from co-workers is already a shitty thing to do, but it's even worse when you're stealing food from your co-workers' newborn children .
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
MartavisBryant posted...

LMAO perfect
GrandConjuraton posted...
Mac & cheese, various cereals, peanut butter & jelly, maybe more.

"I will die of cancer before I let another dude finger my a******." - ZeroX91
Marked post 10 for hornyposting
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
Chicken nuggets
How smart are you? How dumb am I? Don't count any, of my advice.
PSN: Crimson_Arcade, Switch FC: 2459-7124-5704
Tostino's Pizza Rolls....massive guilty pleasure.
I still cut up hot dogs and put them in my Kraft Dinner.

If that's considered "for kids" then I don't want to be an adult.
Save for your doomed future
Liver and onions, with Brussels sprouts.
The food here is terrible. My steak was so tough it attacked my coffee and the coffee was too weak to defend itself.
Scorsese2002 posted...
Chicken nuggets.particularly the Dino nuggets because for some reason theyre cheaper
Not only that, but they microwave better. The regular nuggies get all melty and gross.

Also, peanut butter sammiches.
" Bro Just Let Me Karate Chop You And You Can Have As Many Skateboards As You Want "
I rarely do it, but I can still crush a can of SpaghettiOs and meatballs.
masterpug53 posted...
Various breakfast cereals - Cap'n Crunch, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Frosted Flakes.

Yep. Right now, Lucky Charms.
Amalgam Universe resident Born in 82.
Goldfish. The flavor blasted ones are like crack.
Sari, Mom to DS (07/04) and DD (01/08); Pronouns: she/her/hers
MartavisBryant posted...
Breast milk

Work in progress bass guitar sound- https://vocaroo.com/17qBOSAFwIfM https://voca.ro/1SflYnZYcUrr https://voca.ro/1k4Mz1W0pJ1S https://voca.ro/1o7ZHpB8wkAv
masterpug53 posted...
Various breakfast cereals - Cap'n Crunch, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Frosted Flakes.

This, tho I don't treat them as breakfast. I consider them a desert, like Ice cream
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1298321979/image.jpg bustin makes me feel good
Pop tarts I guess. Not as much as I use to though
I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me-
Fruity Pebbles
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
GenesisReturns posted...
Since when was pizza considered only "for kids"? Did it suddenly stop being associated with college dorms and binge drinking or something?
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Chicken nuggets. Great addition to a fast food meal.
Tenders and fries.
Just call me Discount Dan.
IronChef_Kirby posted...
Also, peanut butter sammiches.

This and with a small smackerel of honey.
Amalgam Universe resident Born in 82.
0. @ at some of the responses ITT

whatever you guys are on save some for meh
GrandConjuraton posted...
Mac & cheese, various cereals, peanut butter & jelly, maybe more.
Mac and cheese is considered a kid food?
kraft mac n cheese, cereal w/ milk maybe
we're all on a ship. we know where it's bound
death comes calling. you won't hear a sound
Kraft mac n cheese. Specifically Kraft, I actually can't stand "good" mac n cheese.
I feel like I need to put something here, or else I am one of those weird people who think that having no signature is a character trait.
The fuck kind of stupid question is this? I eat food. Idc if it's designated as kids food or not.

Fry-Nothing is impossible, you would know that if you took after the professor like me
Clone-Your his uncle he takes after you (05-29-2009 Victim of NSC)
cereal and string cheese
Childrens' dinners.

Now, I am worried you read this and assumed I am speaking of a brand of childrens' dinners.

I am not.

I eat the dinners that were prepared for and belong to children.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
trix, but that damn rabbit keeps trying to stop me
my old computer died and i didn't feel like resetting the password to my original account, so i created this one instead. now i only use it when i use my iphone
MartavisBryant posted...
Breast milk

Not only does it taste good, it's good for you too.
"I dreamt I was a moron."
Current Events » What food that's considered 'for kids' do you still eat?
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