Question for atheists, deists, agnostics and non-believers

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Current Events » Question for atheists, deists, agnostics and non-believers
If Donald Trump responded to an adversial question from a journalist by saying "I'm doing the Lords work and may God stike me down if it isn't so."

Only then to be repeatedly struck by lightning on the spot.

Afterwards it's discovered that at the exact same moment, Elon Musk, Vance, MTG and Hulk Hogan were also struck by multiple bolts of lightning in different parts of the country.

Would that make you believe?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
Already started believing he's the anti christ when he didn't put his hand on the Bibles at the swearing in
how can we be sure that it was not the Jewish Space Lasers?
R.I.P. America, 1776-2024
He invited the lord's wrath and was immediately smote. I'd be stupid to keep denying it after that.

...still not gonna worship, though, a deity who deserves to be worshiped never would have let Trump happen in the first place.
Star Rail (601319792) | FGO (960,463,298) | Master Duel (373-244-752)
Let's be friends~
It would make me believe theres a deity. Absent anything more clear, it wouldnt make me believe in any specific deity.
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No, I would assume there's an actual logical explanation for it
Sack to crack, going to town
Sure, still ain't attending church though.
Everyone knows Thor is real, he's been in how many movies now?
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
It wouldn't be belief in the absence of evidence then, would it? At the same time, it would not necessarily follow that a particular mainstream religion is correct.
Trumble posted...
It would make me believe theres a deity. Absent anything more clear, it wouldnt make me believe in any specific deity.
More or less this, though I wouldn't rule out the possibility of it "merely" being some kind of hyper advanced alien or something.
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
Well I would probably take that as proof of something. But that something could be God or Odin or Zeus. of Quetzaquatle or Rah or you get the point. Theres nothing specifically stating that any religion is correct. All it would prove is that the specific deity disliked Trumps message. We, as a planet, have likely never even come close to figuring out what lies after death.
~ my improv troupe ~
No, I have no evidence that the timing isn't just coincidental. If it became a repeating pattern that anyone claiming that in the future was struck down by lightning, then you can point to it being evidence.
Tyranny just overthrew you. Your gun's no use 'cause they outdrew you.
But you don't realize it do you, that the truth is now long gone.
I'd take it as proof that something beyond my understanding was going on, but not proof of God. There are countless other things that could have caused it other than "God".

Could have been some secret technology, could have been a huge coincidence, could have been aliens, could be anything.
DipDipDiver posted...
No, I would assume there's an actual logical explanation for it

The Democrats zapped him with their weather machine.
Work in progress bass guitar sound-
No. "Something I can't explain happened therefore God" is not a logical line of reasoning. Obviously an event like that would be really unusual and we should do everything to try to find out why it happened. Maybe that search would lead to actual evidence of God's existence or maybe not.
"If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be."
what about agnostic-theists?

anyway, I might consider it bad luck (for him)..or maybe some kind of advanced being (aliens included) just didn't like him.
"I could never encapsulate all my cosmicality on my own."
- mr. MFN eXquire.
I'd believe something really interesting and awesome happened. I wouldn't become religious.
It wouldn't make me believe in the Judeo Christian God from the religious texts, but it will make me very interested in exploring more in detail and idea that there might be some kind of divine intervention.
Prestoff posted...
It wouldn't make me believe in the Judeo Christian God from the religious texts, but it will make me very interested in exploring more in detail and idea that there might be some kind of divine intervention.

Pretty much this. There are thousands of Gods that could have done this
SydnieStarlight posted...
He invited the lord's wrath and was immediately smote. I'd be stupid to keep denying it after that.

...still not gonna worship, though, a deity who deserves to be worshiped never would have let Trump happen in the first place.
It would convince me that higher powers definitely exist versus the current situation of "I can't *disprove* them"

Jury still out on who gets the credit though. Big ups to Zeus, I guess?
Why not go all in?
KajeI posted...
More or less this, though I wouldn't rule out the possibility of it "merely" being some kind of hyper advanced alien or something.
Until those aliens decide to introduce themselves, they're the same thing from our point of view.
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UnfairRepresent posted...
This is hilarious.
Arguing on CE be all like:
No, I would assume some mad scientist invented some crazy ass weapon and was waiting for him say it. Then I would be fearful of my new god, the almighty lightning weapon.
THE Ohio State: 14-2 National CHAMPIONS | Las Vegas Raiders: 4-13
I would be more interested in seeing MAGA's and the GOP's reaction to this series of events.
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
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Asherlee10 posted...
No. I would immediately think some scientists went rogue and I'm not mad about it.
You wouldn't be mad that a scientist just murdered 5 human beings and seemingly has the ability to murder anyone at least any American at will?

Are you Misa Amane? >_>
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
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Asherlee10 posted...
No. I would immediately think some scientists went rogue and I'm not mad about it.
hey, it's possible.

there is actually technology exactly like this that is developed in the setting of the Foundation TV adaptation. there's a pretty awesome and chilling scene where the galactic emperor is talking about it (spoilers for the show, he's explaining to someone who took part in an attempt to overthrow him how as part of her punishment he is going to erase her legacy using such technology ):
R.I.P. America, 1776-2024
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Prior to divine intervention, God told me Kamala had to earn their vote.
Current Events » Question for atheists, deists, agnostics and non-believers