It would make me believe theres a deity. Absent anything more clear, it wouldnt make me believe in any specific deity.More or less this, though I wouldn't rule out the possibility of it "merely" being some kind of hyper advanced alien or something.
No, I would assume there's an actual logical explanation for it
It wouldn't make me believe in the Judeo Christian God from the religious texts, but it will make me very interested in exploring more in detail and idea that there might be some kind of divine intervention.
He invited the lord's wrath and was immediately smote. I'd be stupid to keep denying it after that.
...still not gonna worship, though, a deity who deserves to be worshiped never would have let Trump happen in the first place.
More or less this, though I wouldn't rule out the possibility of it "merely" being some kind of hyper advanced alien or something.Until those aliens decide to introduce themselves, they're the same thing from our point of view. is hilarious.
No. I would immediately think some scientists went rogue and I'm not mad about it.You wouldn't be mad that a scientist just murdered 5 human beings and seemingly has the ability to murder anyone at least any American at will?
No. I would immediately think some scientists went rogue and I'm not mad about it.hey, it's possible.