Do you like this movie: Clerks

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Current Events » Do you like this movie: Clerks
Pretty wild how much of a novelty it was to have characters in a movie discuss nerd culture like Star Wars and comics back in 1994.

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95.74% of CE likes Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (94 votes)
93.85% of CE likes Back to the Future (65 votes)
93.55% of CE likes Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (93 votes)
93.14% of CE likes Terminator 2: Judgement Day (103 votes)
91.67% of CE likes Alien (96 votes)
90.74% of CE likes Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (108 votes)
89.47% of CE likes Star Wars: A New Hope (95 votes)
88.89% of CE likes Ghostbusters (1984) (90 votes)
87.79% of CE likes Who Framed Roger Rabbit (131 votes)
87.3% of CE likes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (126 votes)
87.27% of CE likes Terminator (55 votes)
86.71% of CE likes Airplane! (158 votes)
85.53% of CE likes Starship Troopers (159 votes)
85.26% of CE likes Batman (1989) (95 votes)
85.25% of CE likes Home Alone 2 (61 votes)
85.07% of CE likes Groundhog Day (67 votes)
83.78% of CE likes Spaceballs (111 votes)
82.58% of CE likes Goodfellas (132 votes)
82.02% of CE likes The Princess Bride (228 votes)
81.54% of CE likes Blazing Saddles (65 votes)
80.28% of CE likes Die Hard (71 votes)
79.17% of CE likes Blade Runner (72 votes)
78.65% of CE likes Jaws (89 votes)
75.84% of CE likes The Goonies (73 votes)
75% of CE likes American History X (100 votes)
74.19% of CE likes Rocky IV (62 votes)
73.02% of CE likes Conan the Barbarian (1982) (63 votes)
69.39% of CE likes Superman (1978) (49 votes)
68.42% of CE likes A Christmas Story (95 votes)
67.12% of CE likes Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (73 votes)
66.67% of CE likes Friday the 13th (42 votes)
66.07% of CE likes Scarface (56 votes)
66% of CE likes The Shining (50 votes)
63.01% of CE likes Top Gun (73 votes)
62.16% of CE likes Red Dawn (37 votes)
62.03% of CE likes The Godfather (79 votes)
57.89% of CE likes Akira (57 votes)
57.5 % of CE likes E.T. (40 votes)
51.61% of CE likes Tron (62 votes)
43.75% of CE likes Clear and Present Danger (16 votes)
39.13% of CE likes Dune (1984) (46 votes)
38.89% of CE likes Revenge of the Nerds (72 votes)
Yes. Like the entires series.

Clerks > Clerks (ABC show) > Clerks 3 > Clerks 2
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
K181 posted...
Clerks (ABC show)

Very underrated!
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Vetinari 2028. Make Ankh-Morpork Great Again!
Yep. I saw it at probably the perfect time in my life too. I was about 19-20 and worked at a video store. The bit in the movie about stupid customers killed me.

SaikyoStyle posted...

In a row?
Fix your hearts or die.
When I sin I sin real good.
....Salsa Shark
I've only seen clerks 2. I should check out the first one at some point
Trump is pursuing a chaotic far-right overthrow of existing US government norms and checks and balances, trying to destroy our way of life.
Huge Kevin Smith fan and can honestly say I was from very early on with this. Watched Clerks on my ship during a deployment while in the Navy in 1995. Then later on that year during the same deployment Mallrats came out and I was hooked.

I like the majority of his stuff but I will always have the strongest affinity for the Jersey trilogy of the first 3 movies. By the time Chasing Amy came out I was a fanboy and went to the theatre since we were stateside and in port when that released. It came out 1 day after my 21st birthday and that was part of my celebration. Good times.

So yes, big fan of Clerks. Still think it has some of his best dialogue conversations out of all the movies. Mallrats is probably my favorite movie because Jason Lee does such a great job with the Brodie character and I love Chasing Amy because of his job with Banky but Clerks has the best conversations with Dante and Randal.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
Yeah it was fine

Not a big fan of Kevin Smith though
[all times and music eastern]
38.89% of CE likes Revenge of the Nerds (72 votes)

WTF? Does CE not understand RotN and it's cultural significance around the time it came out?
K181 posted...
Yes. Like the entires series.

Clerks > Clerks (ABC show) > Clerks 3 > Clerks 2
i need to give the show a full watch one of these days. i only ever watched it once, when it (briefly) aired, and i don't think they aired every episode that was actually produced, so there's ones i've never seen.

but yeah, i love all of the movies.
R.I.P. America, 1776-2024
wasn't for me.
"I could never encapsulate all my cosmicality on my own."
- mr. MFN eXquire.
Nota214 posted...
WTF? Does CE not understand RotN and it's cultural significance around the time it came out?

I noticed this too a few topics ago and was similarly shocked at first. The panty raid scene and Lewis pretending to be Stan so he could go down on Betty are likely seen as problematic nowadays, as well as Lamar being stereotypically gay. But more to the point, it's probably that the nerds of CE simply (and justifiably) don't like stereotypical portrayals of nerds (similar to CE's general disdain for The Big Bang Theory).

I too appreciate it's cultural significance, but I can't deny that out of all the 'spawn of Porky's' comedies that came out in the 80's, RotN is the one I rewatched the least.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
Yeah but Jay is really annoying.
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Night bump
Also has a great soundtrack.
Love it.
Psn/GT: GundamFanT Nintendo Code: SW-1394-8994-8299
"Let's Just Wait It Out. You Know We Can... Be All Poetic And Just Lose Our Minds Together."
Nota214 posted...
WTF? Does CE not understand RotN and it's cultural significance around the time it came out?

I didnt even see that poll
It all returns to nothing
It just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. (NGE)
Never watched Clerks, but I did watxh Dogma.
Ivynn posted...
90.74% of CE likes Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (108 votes)
Fun fact, it's just Raiders of the Lost Ark.
ayy lmao ayy lmao || oaml oaml yya yya
ayy lmao ayy lmao || oaml oaml yya yya
Current Events » Do you like this movie: Clerks