What would the worst-case scenario of Biden ordering Trump's arrest have been?

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Current Events » What would the worst-case scenario of Biden ordering Trump's arrest have been?
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Probably nothing, just like we're seeing now Americans are too complacent to do anything.
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Dynamite with a laser beam
Whining on Internet, perhaps a handful of gun nuts going crazy, so many stories of how much better USA would be if Dictator Biden didn't put Trump in jail.
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Him continuing to roam free wherever he pleases regardless.
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The worst case scenario would be his crazier followers committing random acts of violence. (Which they do anyway)

But the US government taking down 4 or 5 domestic terrorist attacks is better than losing the entire system of democracy.
Starfire: "They are too numerous to fight. What shall we do?"
Robin: "Fight anyway!" (pb)
Assassination attempts and random acts of terrorism. Absolutely would've been worth it and fully justified on January 21st, 2021.
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
some assorted lone wolves
MTG and the other extreme psychos calling for Biden's arrest
mostly internet whining besides these two things
Born to lose, live to win!
Trump and the GOP in congress winning by even more due to a false pushed narrative of Dem dictatorial acts.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
hmnut7 posted...
The worst case scenario would be his crazier followers committing random acts of violence. (Which they do anyway)

But the US government taking down 4 or 5 domestic terrorist attacks is better than losing the entire system of democracy.

Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
A better timeline regardless. That's the worst case scenario for Biden doing a good move.
K181 posted...
Trump and the GOP in congress winning by even more due to a false pushed narrative of Dem dictatorial acts.
Honestly this seems most likely to me.
Time is a funny thing, you know? I guess in the big picture of my life, you were only a blip. But oftentimes, those "blips" make the biggest impacts.
Hissy fits
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biden couldnt prosecute trump for attempting a fascist coup because he wouldattempt another fascist coup?
The worst case scenario thats still within the bounds of reality (aside from the Biden cant be bothered part) is some magat assassinates him.
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Wasn't he already under arrest?

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Worst case would be civil war kicking off, then other countries taking advantage of the US tearing itself apart to start WW3, nukes fly, everyone dies.

Or I dunno, aliens that have been secretly monitoring us the entire time decide we aren't capable of self rule and then turn us all into slaves or something
Hospy posted...
Worst case would be civil war kicking off, then other countries taking advantage of the US tearing itself apart

^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
Russia would be angry but they didnt prove to be much. Domestic terror attacks. Overall a better outcome for the future with a few issues is the worst case scenario.
Trying is the first step towards failure, so just dont give it a shot and you cant dissapoint.
several isolated acts of rightwing domestic terrorism, perhaps a somewhat coordinated deployment of far-right self-appointed paramilitary groups. most would probably be dealt with by law enforcement and FBI. if it got to be more than they could handle, potentially a State of Emergency might have had to be declared and the National Guard might have had to be deployed.

it would have been bad, but nowhere near as bad as allowing the country to fall to a fascist regime.
R.I.P. America, 1776-2024
We had a full blown attack on the Capitol when Trump lost the last election fairly. I can only imagine the riots and attacks if he lost this one due to being in prison.
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KogaSteelfang posted...
We had a full blown attack on the Capitol when Trump lost the last election fairly. I can only imagine the riots and attacks if he lost this one due to being in prison.
This is faulty logic that ignores a key factor about Jan 6. Trump was President when it happened.

The assholes on Jan 6 who attacked the capitol were met with zero real opposition, just a small number of cops to take on a mob. More police are present during a parade. The attack happened and Trump deliberately let it happen and refused to send the members of congress aid. (Why is this man president again?)

If Trump was in prison, even if a bunch of people wanted to start an an attack, Biden could ask for local law enforcement, FBI, Secret Service, the National Guard or the Military to show up. I am sure 99.9% of the Jan 6ers would piss their pants and go home at the sight of Platoon of Marines ready to shoot.

If Americans aren't willing to fight for democracy, we aren't worthy to have it either.
Starfire: "They are too numerous to fight. What shall we do?"
Robin: "Fight anyway!" (pb)
KogaSteelfang posted...
We had a full blown attack on the Capitol when Trump lost the last election fairly. I can only imagine the riots and attacks if he lost this one due to being in prison.
The time to do this, of course, was 2021, not 2024.
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Antifar posted...
The time to do this, of course, was 2021, not 2024.

Yeah, Biden should have had Trump arrested on day 1, and the FBI investigations into all the rioters should have been funded to happen much faster. But instead the Dems in power just rolled over and let a literal traitor run for President and get elected again.
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grocery bills tripling
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samsungsalt posted...
grocery bills tripling
from all the magas shitting their pants in anger

if biden did it in 2021 then the world would be a hell of a better place. continued smooth transition out of the recession that trump caused thanks to the botched covid response. regular people would be happier and we would have shown that far right extremists would actually be dealt with
The Earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 election for President and Vice President of the United States
Current Events » What would the worst-case scenario of Biden ordering Trump's arrest have been?