KogaSteelfang posted...
We had a full blown attack on the Capitol when Trump lost the last election fairly. I can only imagine the riots and attacks if he lost this one due to being in prison.
This is faulty logic that ignores a key factor about Jan 6. Trump was President when it happened.
The assholes on Jan 6 who attacked the capitol were met with zero real opposition, just a small number of cops to take on a mob. More police are present during a parade. The attack happened and Trump deliberately let it happen and refused to send the members of congress aid. (Why is this man president again?)
If Trump was in prison, even if a bunch of people wanted to start an an attack, Biden could ask for local law enforcement, FBI, Secret Service, the National Guard or the Military to show up. I am sure 99.9% of the Jan 6ers would piss their pants and go home at the sight of Platoon of Marines ready to shoot.
If Americans aren't willing to fight for democracy, we aren't worthy to have it either.