The Fantastic Four: First Steps Official Teaser

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Current Events » The Fantastic Four: First Steps Official Teaser
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
Looks great tbh
Capcom is the best developer ever!
Steam ID: SocialistGamer92
That looks proper good.

Might be the first MCU project I go to opening night since Endgame.
I love the retrofuturistic vibes of this trailer and it definitely feels like one of the old Stan Lee/Jack Kirby comics.

And I audibly screamed when I saw Galactus lmao
I have nothing else to say
Looks like they put in effort.
ORAS secret base:
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
Is the Thing's voice good? I need to hear some opinions.
Tenaku posted...
Is the Thing's voice good? I need to hear some opinions.
It's *okay*. We need to hear him during clobberin' time. I imagine his voice as being very, forgive me, gravelly, and what we hear in the trailer is not. He also looks a little smaller than I imagine him being. Are they gonna get a second dose of cosmic, hit their final forms? Maybe the perspective is just off, or I'm misremembering him?
Winterking posted...
It's *okay*. We need to hear him during clobberin' time. I imagine his voice as being very, forgive me, gravelly, and what we hear in the trailer is not. He also looks a little smaller than I imagine him being. Are they gonna get a second dose of cosmic, hit their final forms? Maybe the perspective is just off, or I'm misremembering him?

Thing is a gentle soul, and us a human and made of flesh beneath all of that exterior. He realistically shouldn't sound any different than he did prior to transformation.

And yes you are misremembering. Some artists draw him large but that is now how he was originally envisioned.
The succotash is suffering.
Comic Artist
In that case, so far so good. I remember Thing having a lot of self-loathing, and they've nailed that feeling in the trailer.
Tenaku posted...
Is the Thing's voice good? I need to hear some opinions.
He sounds like a 60s jock, but not rough and gravelly. It fits Ben, but not really The Thing, which I'm fine with.
...I think I'm done here...
Winterking posted...
In that case, so far so good. I remember Thing having a lot of self-loathing, and they've nailed that feeling in the trailer.

Yea you can already feel bad for him in this trailer. Hes clearly a normal guy with a rock exterior.

The sue line saying "he's always been a rock" was great tho. You can see her being the heart of the team
The succotash is suffering.
Comic Artist
They nailed Thing's brow which is a weird thing for me to focus on but the previous movies didn't do it right so it's somewhat surprising to see here.

Cidlactus looking great.
The teasers teaser had my interest, but this teaser trailer has my curiosity.
3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
Looks fantastic
ngl, this actually looks cool!

see this is what happens when you actually put in effort!
Zikten posted...
Looks fantastic

"Say that again..."
The succotash is suffering.
Comic Artist
Tenaku posted...
Is the Thing's voice good? I need to hear some opinions.

Makes me think of Wreck-it Ralph lol

Honestly looks good! Id go to the theaters for this.
I'll tell you where the real road lies: Between your ears, behind your eyes. That is the path to Paradise, and, likewise, the road to ruin.
That was awesome.
"So this is how liberty dies, with Thunderous applause." Padme Amidala
Hope fans of the F4 will get a decent movie. It looks better than the past few years of Marvel stuff.
Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ape?
Looks underwhelming to me but I never been much of an F4 guy
You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
-Misattributed to CS Lewis
When the only nitpick I can come up with is that Sue's just-got-out-of-the-shower hairstyle looks a bit too modern / anachronistic, I'd say it's a good sign that I'm sold. Might be the rare movie that actually gets my butt in a theater seat.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
This needs more garlic Cousin.
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Vetinari 2028. Make Ankh-Morpork Great Again!
masterpug53 posted...
When the only nitpick I can come up with is that Sue's just-got-out-of-the-shower hairstyle looks a bit too modern / anachronistic, I'd say it's a good sign that I'm sold. Might be the rare movie that actually gets my butt in a theater seat.
I was expecting Sue to look more like Betty Draper.
Zikten posted...
Looks fantastic

FO(U)R real!
Anyone else feel like it's impossible to watch a movie or show right now without Pedro Pascal being in it? Does the guy sleep?
CE's Resident Scotsman.
Kalk posted...
I was expecting Sue to look more like Betty Draper.

I can't see why they didn't, given the character's history and not wanting her to come off as a housewife / damsel. Still, they could have gone for a Twiggy style or some other early-60's counterculture (but then you'd have the anti-short hair on women crowd whining about it).
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
Definitely looking forward to this one.
pinky0926 posted...
Anyone else feel like it's impossible to watch a movie or show right now without Pedro Pascal being in it? Does the guy sleep?
I'm happy for the guy.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
creativerealms posted...
That was awesome.

Bucks World Champions 2021
PS4 looks great
pinky0926 posted...
Anyone else feel like it's impossible to watch a movie or show right now without Pedro Pascal being in it? Does the guy sleep?
The man is 49. I would also be taking every big job that pays well that I can get if I was him too.

Otherwise it's doing Super Mario 2 on SNL next.
Ngl, I don't think I've been this excited for a Marvel movie since No Way Home.

Like, we've needed a good Fantastic Four movie for so long and this just reminds me so much of that classic Fantastic Four run from the 60s. The trailer is showing off basically everything I've wanted to see in a Fantastic Four movie. I just really, really need this movie to be good because if it isn't, it's likely a wrap for any future F4 live-action content.
I have nothing else to say
It's looks really, really good. I got emotional.
I like what this is showing so far.
i specially liked Ebon Moss-Bachrach as The Thing. they nailed it with that choice!
Am I the only one who thinks the CG on Thing looks bad? >_>

I actually think the rock suit from the 2005 movie looks better. Movie still looks cool though. Galactus looks hype as fuck
Hope rides alone
People aren't ready for comic accurate Thing
If you read this signature, then that meant that I had control of what you read for 5 SECONDS!!
Thing looks fine except for when he talks. Like it doesn't look like he's made of rocks, but pliable cgi rubber or something. Also expected his voice to be more gravelly. Sounds like his normal voice, so it kinda comes off like a guy wearing a suit instead of a rock dude.

Korg somehow looked right but his voice was also weird.
NNID: GuerillaGorilla
They followed up the trailer with an AI-generated poster. :/

I hoped they would have learned something from people giving them shit over Secret Invasion's AI-generated intro.
BlueBoy675 posted...
Am I the only one who thinks the CG on Thing looks bad? >_>

I actually think the rock suit from the 2005 movie looks better. Movie still looks cool though. Galactus looks hype as fuck
I agree. Compared to everything else, the Thing looks off.
Spectre of Dark Aether
wish they had done practical effects for the thing like the fox films did

but beyond that looks good
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Seems odd that we're getting Galactus already, but considering they're gonna have to get to the MCU-verse somehow, I don't see this entry as having a nice ending for them.
MorganTJ posted...
Seems odd that we're getting Galactus already, but considering they're gonna have to get to the MCU-verse somehow, I don't see this entry as having a nice ending for them.
You're getting the Silver Surfer as well and probably Dr Doom all together in this one.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
This teaser has convinced me that making The Thing look cool in live action is impossible. Attempt number 4 right now and it still ain't looking good, and it's not like I can say it's because of the movie's VFX in general either because everything else looked nice enough.

At this point I just hope for all the Fantastic Four fans out there that it's good, you deserve a good movie that isn't the Roger Corman one.

VeggetaX posted...
You're getting the Silver Surfer as well and probably Dr Doom all together in this one.
Doom's probably a postcredits that will cost a fifth of the movie because Robert Downey Jr's paychecks to be in these things are ballooning to insanity.

PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
All games, movies, albums, and books are fads- Darkfire12
Thing's voice kinda reminds me of the one from F4TAS.
I haven't set a signature for the message boards yet
dancing_cactuar posted...
Thing look cool in live action is impossible.

he looked great in the first 2 fox films when they used makeup
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
VeggetaX posted...
You're getting the Silver Surfer as well and probably Dr Doom all together in this one.
Gee, I wonder what other movies that had their biggest villains in their first showing turned out well.
NNID: GuerillaGorilla
GuerillaGorilla posted...
Gee, I wonder what other movies that had their biggest villains in their first showing turned out well.
Thanos appearing postcredit for a while didn't hurt the Avengers movies.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
That looked way more interesting than most of the MCU stuff that's come out since Endgame.
Ah, yes, the Negotiator: General Kenobi
<sneaky beeping>
MorganTJ posted...
Seems odd that we're getting Galactus already, but considering they're gonna have to get to the MCU-verse somehow, I don't see this entry as having a nice ending for them.
I was wondering about that. So this doesn't take place in the main MCU dimension right?

Galactus might actually win this one then.
Sir Markham pointed out, drinking another brandy. "A chap who can point at you and say 'die' has the distinct advantage".
Tanthalas posted...
I was wondering about that. So this doesn't take place in the main MCU dimension right?

Galactus might actually win this one then.
From the synopsis I read: SPOILERS
Galactus destroys their world and timeline but not before they are transported to our MCU timeline/world. Galactus is said to be on the hunt for other multiverses.
But this was posted a while ago and should be taken with a large grain of salt.
You gonna do somethin' or just stand there and bleed?
Current Events » The Fantastic Four: First Steps Official Teaser
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