Is the Thing's voice good? I need to hear some opinions.It's *okay*. We need to hear him during clobberin' time. I imagine his voice as being very, forgive me, gravelly, and what we hear in the trailer is not. He also looks a little smaller than I imagine him being. Are they gonna get a second dose of cosmic, hit their final forms? Maybe the perspective is just off, or I'm misremembering him?
It's *okay*. We need to hear him during clobberin' time. I imagine his voice as being very, forgive me, gravelly, and what we hear in the trailer is not. He also looks a little smaller than I imagine him being. Are they gonna get a second dose of cosmic, hit their final forms? Maybe the perspective is just off, or I'm misremembering him?
Is the Thing's voice good? I need to hear some opinions.He sounds like a 60s jock, but not rough and gravelly. It fits Ben, but not really The Thing, which I'm fine with.
In that case, so far so good. I remember Thing having a lot of self-loathing, and they've nailed that feeling in the trailer.
Looks fantastic
Is the Thing's voice good? I need to hear some opinions.
When the only nitpick I can come up with is that Sue's just-got-out-of-the-shower hairstyle looks a bit too modern / anachronistic, I'd say it's a good sign that I'm sold. Might be the rare movie that actually gets my butt in a theater seat.I was expecting Sue to look more like Betty Draper.
Looks fantastic
I was expecting Sue to look more like Betty Draper.
Anyone else feel like it's impossible to watch a movie or show right now without Pedro Pascal being in it? Does the guy sleep?I'm happy for the guy.
That was awesome.
Anyone else feel like it's impossible to watch a movie or show right now without Pedro Pascal being in it? Does the guy sleep?The man is 49. I would also be taking every big job that pays well that I can get if I was him too.
Am I the only one who thinks the CG on Thing looks bad? >_>I agree. Compared to everything else, the Thing looks off.
I actually think the rock suit from the 2005 movie looks better. Movie still looks cool though. Galactus looks hype as fuck
Seems odd that we're getting Galactus already, but considering they're gonna have to get to the MCU-verse somehow, I don't see this entry as having a nice ending for them.You're getting the Silver Surfer as well and probably Dr Doom all together in this one.
You're getting the Silver Surfer as well and probably Dr Doom all together in this one.Doom's probably a postcredits that will cost a fifth of the movie because Robert Downey Jr's paychecks to be in these things are ballooning to insanity.
Thing look cool in live action is impossible.
You're getting the Silver Surfer as well and probably Dr Doom all together in this one.Gee, I wonder what other movies that had their biggest villains in their first showing turned out well.
Gee, I wonder what other movies that had their biggest villains in their first showing turned out well.Thanos appearing postcredit for a while didn't hurt the Avengers movies.
Seems odd that we're getting Galactus already, but considering they're gonna have to get to the MCU-verse somehow, I don't see this entry as having a nice ending for them.I was wondering about that. So this doesn't take place in the main MCU dimension right?
I was wondering about that. So this doesn't take place in the main MCU dimension right?From the synopsis I read: SPOILERS
Galactus might actually win this one then.