right wing grifter seemingly fell for AI generated image of captain america

Current Events

Current Events » right wing grifter seemingly fell for AI generated image of captain america

i say seemingly cus

1 i refuse to watch a video by yellow flash

2 i refuse to even look at his channel so this screen shot is all i have

3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Its reddit

they just post stuff for reactions
ORAS secret base: http://imgur.com/V9nAVrd
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
Nothing says Current Events on Gamefaqs like... a link to reddit that consists of a screenshot from a youtube video about people responding to AI image made by someone else
Hospy posted...
Nothing says Current Events on Gamefaqs like... a link to reddit that consists of a screenshot from a youtube video about people responding to AI image made by someone else
That not even the TC watched, but expects others to.
Kisai posted...
That not even the TC watched, but expects others to.

errr this is a reddit that mocks right wing grifters

i did not link the video in any fashion
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Trump hasn't looked that "healthy" since 2016.
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
Anyone who thinks Steve Roger's would like Trump obviously knows nothing about the character
Zikten posted...
Anyone who thinks Steve Roger's would like Trump obviously knows nothing about the character


3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
The hands, the hands, it's always the hands.
If you need the threat of eternal damnation to be a good person, you're just a bad person on a leash.
Cap would beat the shit out of Trump
Corruption that you can believe in.
These people are scraping the bottom of the barrel for content now that Trump won.
Captain America, hates authoritarianism, racism, sexism pretty much everything Trump loves, and he his go to enemies are Nazis and Neo-Nazis aka Trump's base. Captain America would absolutely hate Donald Trump.

Also, Chris Evans is on record hating Donald Trump.

I don't agree with the majority of people on this site with the "AI is all bad and we should destroy it all" attitude. I think it is a powerful tool that can be of great use. But like all tools it can be used for good or it can be used for evil... this is an example of it being used for pure evil.
Starfire: "They are too numerous to fight. What shall we do?"
Robin: "Fight anyway!" (pb)
here is a depressing thing if marvel bends the knee they could make this a thing in comics
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
AceMos posted...
here is a depressing thing if marvel bends the knee they could make this a thing in comics
That is a big fear of mine. Not just Marvel. All media spreading MAGA propaganda. Every tv show will portray MAGA main characters. Law enforcement dramas will deal with left wing villains, who always get arrested or killed at the end. Sitcoms will poke fun at leftist values and be full of smug MAGA main characters.
Why do you keep posting random reddit links?
That's supposed to be Chris Evans?
"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"
Current Events » right wing grifter seemingly fell for AI generated image of captain america