The mostly perfect girl but she still plays with dolls.

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Current Events » The mostly perfect girl but she still plays with dolls.
She's in every way what you imagine the perfect girl to be from apperance to career to personality except for the fact she still plays with her toys every day.

You'll come home after work and walk in on her sitting on the floor as she makes Dr Doom beat up The Green Lantern.

"Mwhahaha, after I joined forces with Skeletor, you're no match for me Puny Lantern! Pow perchuck wham"
"You're not the only one who can make friends Doctor! Brrrrrrrrmmmmmm chugga chugga chugga."
"Curses! The Biker Mice From Mars! You may have survived this day but know that you haven't seen the last of Victor Von Doom! Whoooooosh!"

She has full on storylines in her head that she plays out, even doing the voices.

Inverse to mostly perfect man if that way inclined.

Could you date her?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
easily if just a normal amount of time for a hobby is spent doing that.
move all remaining groundhog mercenaries to the front lines. Have sheep troopers squadrons A and B flank the cows. They're using DC-17 hoof blasters.
Is there an age limit to joy?
Just when you think you see a silver lining, God makes you blind....the *****
Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
Excuse you TC, those are action figures , not dolls

But yeah, just a woman enjoying her hobby. Nothing wrong with that
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
UnfairRepresent posted...
You'll come home after work and walk on her
Damn, I'm really horrible, aren't I?
Arguing on CE be all like:
UnfairRepresent posted...
Dr Doom beat up The Green Lantern.



and she is more than perfect

as long as I get to play as well and don't get assigned some lame figure
ReturnOfDevsman posted...
Damn, I'm really horrible, aren't I?
lol I didn't see that
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
This is fine, no objection at all.
Will the little voice in the back of my mind screaming "This is a bad idea" please yield the floor. --Mikey
Chivalry be hanged, and so will you.
so what you're saying is she's the perfect girl
Why not go all in?
+1 in her favor for enjoying her hobby.
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The only reason I don't still play with toys is limited time and other things I want to spend it on, so yeah, I'd have no issues here.
What's the downside?
"I dreamt I was a moron."
Not a problem unless they are spending an excessive amount of time playing with them. But even then, it's the time spent on that interest that would be the problem, not the interest itself.

It's not a war crime the first time.
Voidgolem posted...
so what you're saying is she's the perfect girl

"think before you press enter. all of you." - SmashFaqs Discord
i want lemm to eat ten egg
NoxObscuras posted...
Excuse you TC, those are action figures , not dolls

Scenario is fine. Perfect girl, but she refers to action figures as dolls" is a big fucking no, though.
Philosophy major in the academy of Nope.
What downside?
Gamefaqs Community Organizer
Yeah... she's ok with a 40+ y.o. who plays video games, and frequents message boards that occasionally dip into video game discussion.

What's not to like?
LordYeezus posted...
It's all fun and games until her collection comes alive at night.
So if Buzz Lightyear thought he was legit, do all the supervillains do the same?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
Let me point out that a doll is much easier to get along with than a bird or a cat.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
How DARE you...start playing without me!
--I understand your opinion. I just don't care about it. ~Jedah--
CobraGT posted...
Let me point out that a doll is much easier to get along with than a bird or a cat.

Says you

I love animals
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
I couldn't date a woman who has a developmental disability and has the mentality of an 8 year old. Shocking poll results.
Mostly? Sounds like you are describing the 100% perfect woman.
eh, i can overlook that.

besides, there's grown ass men who collect Legos and action figures and stuff... lol
If men can play with action figures , why cant women play with dolls.
In fact, Men can play with dolls, and women can play with action figures too for that matter.
I mean people punch each other in the face as a hobby... Whats wrong with Dolls/Action Figures?
RTX 4080 - 7800X3D - LFII 360mm - Enthoo 719/Luxe 2 + 7 140mm ARGB Fans - B650EF - 850w + Plat - 120 Inch Epson 5050UB + 77 Inch S90C OLED
Who gives a fuck? Bring on the perfect woman.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
ZaruenKosai posted...
If men can play with action figures , why cant women play with dolls.
In fact, Men can play with dolls, and women can play with action figures too for that matter.
I mean people punch each other in the face as a hobby... Whats wrong with Dolls/Action Figures?
Do you typically date them?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
As long as she doesn't claim the dolls are talking back to her.
I collect action figures so that would make her even more perfect in my eyes.
As long as she doesn't touch my Spawn figures or my Joytoy Black Legion figures we're good. The Joytoy figures were a bit of a pain in the ass to pose them so they look good and are balanced well enough to stand without a base. I'd be super annoyed if I had to get them all posed and balanced again.

"Together there are more of US!!"
So in other words, the perfect girl?
"Bothering people when they're shopping or going to work or whatever because you find them attractive makes you scum of the earth."
Current Events » The mostly perfect girl but she still plays with dolls.