Could you date her? - Results (84 votes)
Hit and quit
(2 votes)
She's in every way what you imagine the perfect girl to be from apperance to career to personality except for the fact she still plays with her toys every day.
You'll come home after work and walk in on her sitting on the floor as she makes Dr Doom beat up The Green Lantern.
"Mwhahaha, after I joined forces with Skeletor, you're no match for me Puny Lantern! Pow perchuck wham"
"You're not the only one who can make friends Doctor! Brrrrrrrrmmmmmm chugga chugga chugga."
"Curses! The Biker Mice From Mars! You may have survived this day but know that you haven't seen the last of Victor Von Doom! Whoooooosh!"
She has full on storylines in her head that she plays out, even doing the voices.
Inverse to mostly perfect man if that way inclined.
Could you date her?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!