Uhhhh can you translate that please?https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/a/forum/d/dbde14f7.jpg
We had a good conversation with President Trump with great respect for our relationship and sovereignty; we reached a series of agreements:
1. Mexico will reinforce the northern border with 10,000 members of the National Guard immediately, to prevent drug trafficking from Mexico to the United States, particularly fentanyl.
2. The United States is committed to working to prevent the trafficking of high-powered weapons to Mexico.
3. Our teams will begin working today on two fronts: security and trade.
4. Tariffs will be paused for one month from now.
Let me get this straight.This. Mexico didn't bend knee.
Trump was going to impose tariffs against Mexico.
Mexico called Trump and told them they were going to do all these things.
Mexico was already doing all of that, so there's no actual change.
Trump agreed to do what he was already doing with regards to the boarder, so there's no actual change.
Trump pauses the tariffs, likely indefinitely.
And they're saying this is a win for Trump?
No, Trump got played.
I don't know how you can call that "bending the knee" but you do you weird ass gringo.
I don't know how you can call that "bending the knee" but you do you weird ass gringo.Assigning 10k workers to the border seems like bending to me. Unless they were already there and its just a shifting of some paperwork.
No, Trump got played.I'd agree if most of this country wasn't stupid and thought that this was some great hardball from Trump. A real "art of the deal" moment.
Assigning 10k workers to the border seems like bending to me. Unless they were already there and its just a shifting of some paperwork.
Assigning 10k workers to the border seems like bending to me. Unless they were already there and its just a shifting of some paperwork.The national guard are the dropouts from the police and the army.
And they're saying this is a win for Trump?
No, Trump got played.
mexico was already planning on doing this when they were working with the biden administration, so no functional changesFait if so.
he doesn't care about actual results as long as he gets an excuse to go "look at me, aren't i great"
mexico was already planning on doing this when they were working with the biden administration, so no functional changesWere they, or did they just have an idea of a plan?
mexico was already planning on doing this when they were working with the biden administration, so no functional changesThis. It's like they were already performing and action and continue to do the same thing and Trump declares that he'll pause it for them doing what they were already doing.
Let me get this straight.
Trump was going to impose tariffs against Mexico.
Mexico called Trump and told them they were going to do all these things.
Mexico was already doing all of that, so there's no actual change.
Trump agreed to do what he was already doing with regards to the boarder, so there's no actual change.
Trump pauses the tariffs, likely indefinitely.
And they're saying this is a win for Trump?
No, Trump got played.
Let me get this straight.
Trump was going to impose tariffs against Mexico.
Mexico called Trump and told them they were going to do all these things.
Mexico was already doing all of that, so there's no actual change.
Trump agreed to do what he was already doing with regards to the boarder, so there's no actual change.
Trump pauses the tariffs, likely indefinitely.
And they're saying this is a win for Trump?
No, Trump got played.
Let me get this straight.
Trump was going to impose tariffs against Mexico.
Mexico called Trump and told them they were going to do all these things.
Mexico was already doing all of that, so there's no actual change.
Trump agreed to do what he was already doing with regards to the boarder, so there's no actual change.
Trump pauses the tariffs, likely indefinitely.
And they're saying this is a win for Trump?
No, Trump got played.
Mexico has only one or two gun stores in the entire country. Nearly all of the cartel's weapons are smuggled from the US. The importance of the US actually making an effort to reduce this smuggling cannot be understated from Mexico's perspective. Though I don't expect it to actually happen.A lot of guns are smuggled up to Canada too. The US wants our countries to help protect your country but does nothing in return.
Itll probably be the same deal with Canada in time as the both of them are to reliant on the US for trade.Canada already proposed border stuff and we were ignored.
Does the average person know any of those though? Or will they just see it as "Mexico gave [fake] concessions"Politics has always been not about what you did, but what you convinced the public you did.
I heard recently that tariffs for Mexico have been postponed. Not sure if that was due to this arrangement but it could happen for Canada also.
Canada already proposed border stuff and we were ignored.
Were they, or did they just have an idea of a plan?They had the exact plans to do it.
I heard recently that tariffs for Mexico have been postponed. Not sure if that was due to this arrangement but it could happen for Canada also.
I really wish people would stop linking to Twitter.
This doesn't seem much like "bending the knee"It conjures images of a person being on their knees is why they like it probably.
And what the fuck is up with chuds using that phrase?
It conjures images of a person being on their knees is why they like it probably.
Assigning 10k workers to the border seems like bending to me. Unless they were already there and its just a shifting of some paperwork.It would be if those workers were not already going to the border. The plan was set under Biden Trump's just taking credit for it.
reading this thread had me nervous, if mexico kowtows, than trudeau will too.Based on TCs history, he's very much a Trumper, so take his posts with a boulder of salt
i am glad mexico did not, and hopefully trudeau will not either