Trump suggests the tariffs on Canada will end once they become the 51st state

Current Events

darkknight109 posted...
Trudeau is not going to back down.

This is an election year in Canada. An election *must* be called before the fall (and will likely happen sooner, once the Liberals pick their new party leader; they're in the minority, which means that the opposition parties can choose to force an election via a vote of no confidence whenever they like, something that is typically done if the polls show the opposition parties will gain seats and/or governing status) and this trade war has united Canada more or less across the political spectrum. Even many staunch conservatives are furious at the US for what is generally being perceived as an unjust and unprompted betrayal.

If Trudeau is seen to be capitulating to Trump's demands, the opposition will drop the writ immediately and the Liberals will be absolutely slaughtered at the polls (and they will deserve every bit of it). For that reason, Trudeau basically has no pathway but forward. If he can negotiate something with Trump that doesn't look like accession to US demands, he'll go for it, but you're not going to see him surrender over this.

This honestly could help hand Trudeau the election, right? Being seen as a "wartime" leader in times of distress.