Yu-Gi-Oh! General 24: Jinzo Mate, Labrynth Deck

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Current Events » Yu-Gi-Oh! General 24: Jinzo Mate, Labrynth Deck
Admit it, you absolutely would do it.


Anyways, this is for general discussion of the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise, be i the real-life TCG, the Japanese OCG format, the anime and manga, vidya games (including Master Duel and the upcoming Early Days collection), Yu-Gi-Tubers, or whatever else. Go nuts, but be respectful... even to Stun players. But not Drytron players, yes I am still bitter about Herald of Ultimateness Turbo.
"No thanks. Anything that begins with you whispering, always ends with other people shouting."

CTrunks posted...
Admit it, you absolutely would do it.



But no, I actually don't have any trap-focused decks on my main account where I use the Jinzo mate. My Labrynth, Paleo, and Flame Swordsman decks are all on my side account.
Man, Doug was trying to throw so hard in today's Saga episode. I saw him pull the Tear/Shadoll deck like two weeks ago and thought he'd for sure go 2-0 this week. I think I just don't get how great the Synchro fish are since I never played with them before.
I don't currently play any trap decks, but if the new Odion cards aren't trash I'll definitely be playing them when they come to Master Duel. (God I hope we get a Serket retrain that kicks as much ass as it did in the anime >_>)
Lusa Cfaad Taydr
Anything-Albaz/Branded/Despia/Swordsouls hater represent.

I promised to make the topic but then forgetfulness is a thing.
Mr God Jackstar, the Unfathomable Abyss, the Dancing Stardust of Sagittarius, the Blazing Inferno of Frozen Hell, Second Principal Leader of Incomplete Brigade!
MorganTJ posted...
Man, Doug was trying to throw so hard in today's Saga episode. I saw him pull the Tear/Shadoll deck like two weeks ago and thought he'd for sure go 2-0 this week. I think I just don't get how great the Synchro fish are since I never played with them before.
Tbf he bricked mega hard against MBT. Honestly that was probably like top 3 worst hand that deck can produce. He should've run like 1 less Poly tbf.

I kinda wish he went for Reinoheart but considering how he got mega godly luck on the Shaddoll stuff, it's pretty much been the right choice.

Gage probably resolved more of the S-Force boss guy than anybody on earth probably
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
I think the guy with the guardian cards had a pretty cool story but I can't for the life of me remember any of the other ones.

Amelda and Valon
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
Wow Dartz is very evil lmao
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
I think I need a second Big Gabonga.
Mr God Jackstar, the Unfathomable Abyss, the Dancing Stardust of Sagittarius, the Blazing Inferno of Frozen Hell, Second Principal Leader of Incomplete Brigade!
Double Bongle
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
Wtf Dartz becomes a good guy lmao God damn this is such shonen bull shit where every bad guy has a sob traumatizing story so they end up taking a dark path but deep down they're actually redeemable good guys. But I still can't stop watching lol
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
Damn, this deck cooked hard. I saw it on dueltaining and then I modified it heavily to be better. I think Maxx C package is better than running more consistency cuz otherwise this deck just 100% loses to Maxx C and the Mulchs.

Mirage Swordsman, which is searchable via Fighting Flame spell, which you can get to via Flame Swordsman, gets to some ridiculous levels of combo that can do both FK and FS stuff. Combo changes a lot more than what the original poster suggested by what you actually draw.

I guess if you let Maxx C resolve, it's kinda bad. I'm not entirely sure if it has a solution to Nibiru but thanks to Tenpai, people are not running that much Nibiru. It probably can't deal with something like Super Poly

However, if they Harpies, lightning storm, Raigekis you multiple times, you can basically recur through 2 board wipes, though admittedly 3 board wipes? I dunno. It's gonna be pretty hard I think. The FS Link-2 revives the FS boss, the Salamandra fusion can quick equip to FS, which basically gives you 1 interruption after double board wipe. Your Prom Princess is also still online if they hadn't summoned yet.
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo

I expected Fiendsmith and the Exodia stuff to come with the 3rd anniversary (Fiendsmith because big meta engine, Exodia because yugiboomer nostalgia) but Azamina is coming too? It's coming to MD way earlier than expected based on the OCG release order, and there's no pre-hits announced yet. If there aren't any pre-hits, then Snake-Eye is going to be Tier 0 again, and I might just take some time off from the game.
legendarylemur posted...
Damn, this deck cooked hard. I saw it on dueltaining and then I modified it heavily to be better. I think Maxx C package is better than running more consistency cuz otherwise this deck just 100% loses to Maxx C and the Mulchs.

Mirage Swordsman, which is searchable via Fighting Flame spell, which you can get to via Flame Swordsman, gets to some ridiculous levels of combo that can do both FK and FS stuff. Combo changes a lot more than what the original poster suggested by what you actually draw.

I guess if you let Maxx C resolve, it's kinda bad. I'm not entirely sure if it has a solution to Nibiru but thanks to Tenpai, people are not running that much Nibiru. It probably can't deal with something like Super Poly

However, if they Harpies, lightning storm, Raigekis you multiple times, you can basically recur through 2 board wipes, though admittedly 3 board wipes? I dunno. It's gonna be pretty hard I think. The FS Link-2 revives the FS boss, the Salamandra fusion can quick equip to FS, which basically gives you 1 interruption after double board wipe. Your Prom Princess is also still online if they hadn't summoned yet.

I used FK-FS in Duelist Cup (different build without Mirage Swordsman and heavier in Fire King side). Pretty wonderful stuff.
Mr God Jackstar, the Unfathomable Abyss, the Dancing Stardust of Sagittarius, the Blazing Inferno of Frozen Hell, Second Principal Leader of Incomplete Brigade!
Confirmed, the only Fiendsmith pre-hit is Engraver to 2, which is laughable. Beatrice lives and this format is cooked.

The Wonky Quartet is probably the greatest thing to ever come out of yugioh. I'm so fucking glad these 4 are friends doing the weirdest ygo shit together all the time and can do it as a career.

They just spend like 10 minutes hysterically laughing and roasting Gage for bringing a full power Spellbook to a weird deck building challenge, while Farfa comes out with freaking Sanwitch cuz it sounds like Sandwich
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
Tennousu posted...
I used FK-FS in Duelist Cup (different build without Mirage Swordsman and heavier in Fire King side). Pretty wonderful stuff.
Bro if you haven't tried Mirage Swordsman in this, you're missing out. This guy is basically a FK card in that destruction means nothing to him. Gives so much more leg to a previously destruction weak FS package
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
It's because its ss effect is only triggered when Fire fusion is destroyed, and you have to bring an extra Fighting Flame Dragon for its on destruction effect.

Garunix also cannot select Mirage for its deck-to-GY destroy.

And I did say it leans towards Fire King more.
Mr God Jackstar, the Unfathomable Abyss, the Dancing Stardust of Sagittarius, the Blazing Inferno of Frozen Hell, Second Principal Leader of Incomplete Brigade!
legendarylemur posted...

The Wonky Quartet is probably the greatest thing to ever come out of yugioh. I'm so fucking glad these 4 are friends doing the weirdest ygo shit together all the time and can do it as a career.

They just spend like 10 minutes hysterically laughing and roasting Gage for bringing a full power Spellbook to a weird deck building challenge, while Farfa comes out with freaking Sanwitch cuz it sounds like Sandwich
This is their saltiest series yet. Each one interpreted the prompt differently and they're all getting mad at each other for it.
Aw, man! After the first two anniversaries gave us DM and BEWD stuff, I was hoping this would be the year of Red-Eyes, since I'm suddenly very interested in building a Flame Swordsman/Red-Eyes hybrid in honor of da Gawdfaddah a Games. But we're getting a HERO structure deck instead...
Star Rail (601319792) | FGO (960,463,298) | Master Duel (373-244-752)
Let's be friends~
SydnieStarlight posted...
Aw, man! After the first two anniversaries gave us DM and BEWD stuff, I was hoping this would be the year of Red-Eyes, since I'm suddenly very interested in building a Flame Swordsman/Red-Eyes hybrid in honor of da Gawdfaddah a Games. But we're getting a HERO structure deck instead...

Jesus Christ, they finally did it. They made Heroes affordable
Lusa Cfaad Taydr
Even as a Red-Eyes fan I won't even dare of dreaming of Red-Eyes would get something like that.
Mr God Jackstar, the Unfathomable Abyss, the Dancing Stardust of Sagittarius, the Blazing Inferno of Frozen Hell, Second Principal Leader of Incomplete Brigade!


Finally, I don't have to struggle with the choice of keeping my day one Ash Blossom or repping the whole crew when I play Dragonmaids~

EDIT: Oh, and I guess there was some other stuff too, BUT NONE OF IT IS AS IMPORTANT AS THIS.
Star Rail (601319792) | FGO (960,463,298) | Master Duel (373-244-752)
Let's be friends~
Time for Wightbaking on Skull Servants.
"No thanks. Anything that begins with you whispering, always ends with other people shouting."
Honestly a big shame deck specific mate wasn't an option til now. Been using Quillbolt for eons but I do want to try the others out
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
I wonder if a "Fiendsmith engine + a metric fuckton of non-engine" deck could be viable in this upcoming format. I know there was that one Fiendsmith Kashtira deck in the TCG that was similar and played like 20+ handtraps, but Kashtira is hit worse in MD and I also hate Kashtira and refuse to play it.

It's either that, play blind 2nd decks loaded with board breakers, or just take a long break from the game until Beatrice gets banned.
Fiendsmith is viable in literally any deck that can summon 2 monsters without effort or lock. Honestly, for their extreme presence, it sounded like most ppl didn't really hate how the deck worked, just that it was too vanilla and too all-encompassing. I guess it's similar to Adventure but Adventure had a nasty normal summon lock
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
Whoa wtf, a bunch of little UI changes all over MD

I'm glad they care
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
legendarylemur posted...
Fiendsmith is viable in literally any deck that can summon 2 monsters without effort or lock. Honestly, for their extreme presence, it sounded like most ppl didn't really hate how the deck worked, just that it was too vanilla and too all-encompassing. I guess it's similar to Adventure but Adventure had a nasty normal summon lock

I'm pretty sure what people hated about Fiendsmith in the TCG (and will hate in MD) was it being able to easily make Beatrice and bridge into just about every other meta-relevant deck while also generating extra bodies for link material, all without using your normal summon. With Beatrice legal, it's essentially just a bunch of extra starters to get a Snake-Eye or Yubel combo going or handtrap bait before you start your Snake-Eye or Yubel combo with your actual starter in hand. Fiendsmith as a supplementary engine didn't become "reasonable" until Beatrice was banned

Without Beatrice, then the splashable engine either makes Desirae equipped with Sequence or Wave High King Caesar instead, so you add potentially 2 extra negates to your endboard (or in some cases make Caesar on exactly the 5th summon and use 1 of its negates to shield your main plays from Nibiru) without using your normal summon and without any sort locks. That's a bit better than what the Adventure engine used to do, but not drastically so because the negate effects on Desirae and Caesar are more situational compared to Gryphon Rider's 1 easy to use omni-negate.
But Adventure's Gryphon also needs you not to use any normal summon effect either (and have token), so there is the drawback.

If High WK Caesar is banned, then they'll just go Evol Lars, I think? Anything for a negate because, really, Nibiru sucks ass.
Mr God Jackstar, the Unfathomable Abyss, the Dancing Stardust of Sagittarius, the Blazing Inferno of Frozen Hell, Second Principal Leader of Incomplete Brigade!
Crossing my fingers for Memento/Goblin Bikers are in this new pack.
Beatrice shouldn't exist considering Lavalval Chain is still banned. It definitely wasn't an inherent problem with Fiendsmith for sure. Also rank 6 in general sucks ass almost specifically except Caesar and by a massive margin, Beatrice. Lars is there too I guess

But yeah, obviously Fiendsmith is significantly better than Adventure. Adventure Sprights actually got played sort of on the border of the Fiendsmith and the meta right b4 it, but once Fiendsmith came in, it's like why even bother with Adventure and its occasional solemn and slightly hard to get rid of body. But if there is a comparison, it's definitely Adventure because that thing was just as prevalent in its heyday, especially because there just happened to be a lot of decent decks that don't rely on its normal summons

I think right now though normal summons are pretty good. Most decks don't ride or die by it right now but Adventure would be disruptive more than helpful
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
Dkayed just leaked that the Raye, Hayate, Shizuku, and ROTA alt arts are coming, as well as a Sky Striker duel field and a Raye duel mate.


Oh goddammit, I have too many things to spend gems on, can they relax for a minute.
"No thanks. Anything that begins with you whispering, always ends with other people shouting."
Yeah I probably ain't getting the new alt art. I'll dump 1k but they're conveniently timing this with Fiendsmith release. Fiendsmiths are gonna be good for like a long ass time so
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
I'm spending all my gems on the Sky Striker stuff. I can craft Fiendsmith later if I want to use it.
I see they like money.

Wait, inb4 Shizuku, Hayate, and Raye alt get rarity bumped because Konami likes money.
Mr God Jackstar, the Unfathomable Abyss, the Dancing Stardust of Sagittarius, the Blazing Inferno of Frozen Hell, Second Principal Leader of Incomplete Brigade!
Tennousu posted...
I see they like money.

Wait, inb4 Shizuku, Hayate, and Raye alt get rarity bumped because Konami likes money.

They already rarity-bumped the Evil Twins when their alt arts came, so I figured they would do the same with the Sky Striker stuff.
Yeah, I think it's a safe bet going forward that any alt arts for cards below UR are gonna have said alts bumped up to UR. Because, like...it's free money, haha, why wouldn't they?

Actually, now that I think about it, the opposite is probably true. The Twins will be an outlier, every other alt art from here on will be at the same rarity as its original version. My evidence for this is that I'm a known Evil Twin main and the universe wants to make me suffer, which means only my most wanted alts will be arbitrarily rarer.
Star Rail (601319792) | FGO (960,463,298) | Master Duel (373-244-752)
Let's be friends~
Yeah those arts are nice. I wouldn't mind getting like 1 Shizuku alt.

Anyways, here's to me just getting yet another random royal of a very rare edition of a SS card much to the jealousy of somebody in this room

I also have a royal of the SS link-3. Kind of a bad card but I can't not run it
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
You will get Mathmech Circular royal instead.
Mr God Jackstar, the Unfathomable Abyss, the Dancing Stardust of Sagittarius, the Blazing Inferno of Frozen Hell, Second Principal Leader of Incomplete Brigade!
legendarylemur posted...
Anyways, here's to me just getting yet another random royal of a very rare edition of a SS card much to the jealousy of somebody in this room

I also have a royal of the SS link-3. Kind of a bad card but I can't not run it

So far I have 5 royal Sky Striker cards: 1 each of Kagari (original art), Shizuku, H.A.M.P., Hornet Drones, and Widow Anchor.

Tennousu posted...
You will get Mathmech Circular royal instead.

I already have one of those though.
Yeah my family heirloom is still the Alt Art Engage Royal Rare.
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
legendarylemur posted...
Yeah my family heirloom is still the Alt Art Engage Royal Rare.

Which I'm still extremely jealous of. I think Dkayed said that the Kagari/Engage alt arts are getting re-run along with the new ones, so I'll get another chance.
I don't really care about alt art but I'll probably drop the gems for the field bundle.

Wish I could've afforded white forest before the pack expired. Cest la vie
Lusa Cfaad Taydr
Calwings posted...
I already have one of those though.

Which is why you'll get more of it
Mr God Jackstar, the Unfathomable Abyss, the Dancing Stardust of Sagittarius, the Blazing Inferno of Frozen Hell, Second Principal Leader of Incomplete Brigade!

MS S7 E11

13-7 MBT 10-10 Gage 7-13 Doug means it's still kinda up in the air. For all of Gage's luck, it's criminal he's not above MBT rn

Gage pulls doodoo. Fraulein is honestly just a good individual card in any deck that uses zombies. MBT pulls insane Spright stuff... Spright is just too hard to play pure or focus in sealed cuz Starter and all sorts of stuff are URs. Doug utterly gets insane pulls in Salads that basically makes Doug hard to ban out

Decks: They're literally playing the same fucking thing as last week. I'm still convinced by MBT = Doug > Gage. Gage has no plan b and MBT and Doug both have a back up deck. Gage might find it pretty hard to win without some insane pack

MBT v Gage: Gage finally loses a coin toss. Aloof Lupine is literally banably good in sealed. Yeah I dunno if S-Force can ever beat a Ghoti going second

Gage v Doug: Gage finally realizing how bad going second is for him lol. Ok Doug, don't link off your Winda and you're good. Oh my god he misplayed again. But yeah I mean the gap btwn the 2 deck is so wide. Pure S-Force won 1 game.

MBT v Doug: Ohhh Doug got the coin flip. Winda is gonna kill. Oh my god, please Doug, please just don't throw. Just fucking set Squamata. No Doug, I think you actually book the trap searcher and you would've won. Winda can die there and you'll still be in a better place.

I mean ban all the fish tuners and the ghotis are dead lol. It's not that hard to ban out.
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
Anniversary packs are pretty generous. I got a lot of URs between them. Reinforcement of the army is what I wanted most as an alt art, unfortunately I pulled two. One alt art Hayate and an alt Engage I already had one of. But its a lot easier pulling sky striker alts than ghost girls or live twins.
"After all, you are legends youselves. You have seen and done the impossible. You alone shall learn the truth." Etrian Odyssey V
I'm so sad. My guaranteed UR for the 3rd anniversary is elemental hero Sunrise, just added to the new structure deck. Another redundant UR I can never dismantle
"After all, you are legends youselves. You have seen and done the impossible. You alone shall learn the truth." Etrian Odyssey V
Current Events » Yu-Gi-Oh! General 24: Jinzo Mate, Labrynth Deck
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