Ahh, the pokeydex.

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Current Events » Ahh, the pokeydex.
Hambo posted...
You try to run, only to find your feet have already been String Shot in place.
Unless you're the guy who's legs got deleted, then you... you don't got no legs.
Aerodynamic Trunks was here
The Caterpie refuses to eat Lieutenant Dan's heart, he's not a monster.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
Day 11: Metapod. Why do the wild ones forget how to tackle anyway? Raise 'em yourself and they still remember how to fight.

Meatpod has like no features so I had no idea what to do with this for a while. At least Kakuna has implications of a body to push around, design-wise.

Also, it's been a while since my last Last Time on Hambmon, so I'll throw in some prototypes from recent drawings instead. It's kinda fun doodling concepts for the next pokeyman drawing on my phone. Plus the drawing app on my phone is a little more sophisticated than the one on my 3ds in several ways.
Hambo's alt.
Hambo posted...
Day 11: Metapod. Why do the wild ones forget how to tackle anyway? Raise 'em yourself and they still remember how to fight.
That's actually a pretty diegetic way of showing that captured Pokemon are stronger than wild ones.
https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
Metapod needs to get its damn blood pressure checked.

Or see an optometrist.

Or something.

Dude looks like its exoskeleton shrank in the wash.

Metapod looks like it spent six hours trapped in a glass box with a fart so gnarly it set off natural gas alarms in the next building.

When the scientist opened the box to let Metapod out his face melted like the Nazi at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark , both from the acrid stench and from the weight of the shame of the horror that had been wrought by his unbound hubris.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
DrizztLink posted...
Dude looks like its exoskeleton shrank in the wash.
Its Caterpie form was like that fat caterpillar from A Bug's Life, but all Metapods are the same size.
https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
It's probably fine. I'm sure it would say something if it was uncomfortable.
Hambo's alt.
Hambo posted...


Looks like Mac Tonight got food poisoning and their head fell off.

Mistere_Man posted...
Looks like Mac Tonight got food poisoning and their head fell off.
Yeah, that'll happen eating at McDonald's. :/
Hambo's alt.
pegusus123456 posted...
Its Caterpie form was like that fat caterpillar from A Bug's Life, but all Metapods are the same size.
...fuck that's so much better than mine
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
Aww, but its exoskeleton shrinking in the wash was so good.
Hambo's alt.
Day 12: Butterfree. Babby's first fully evolved pokeyman. It's cute. It's got cool wings. It can use psychic moves. It can do status. This little flutterby's got it all. Pretty sure I've used it many a time in adventures through Kanto.

I'm not super enthused about this one. Particularly the color and shading. I wanted to go vibrant like I did with its pre-evos, but idk, the purple felt different at the end. And of course it got even differenter when exporting the image. But whatever, it's cute. Also, while looking for reference pics, I saw a monarch-colored Butterfree and now I want one as a regional form.

Previously on Hambmon:
Hambo's alt.
Hambo posted...
I could reserve a spot on my team for this guy
Aerodynamic Trunks was here
Post #114 was unavailable or deleted.
I've always had a soft spot for Butterfree. I had Yellow as a kid, so Brock was a big bitch. I didn't know about Mankey, but I knew Butterfree learned Confusion at level ten, so I grinded to get one to beat Brock.

...and then I beat the entire game with basically just it.
https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
Day 13: Weedle. I think I used the Weedle line once. Maybe. Mostly I remember these fuckers making Viridian Forest a nightmare with they gotdamn Poison Sting. I remember my Pikachu in Yellow crying poisoned and me with no healing items and a mostly dead team. Good times, good times.

In the last couple days, I've learned that Butterfree has a consistent wing pattern across most media and Weedle has a consistent number of body sections. Also I learned that shading spheres sucks and I'm gonna give up shading forever.
Hambo's alt.
Hambo posted...
Day 13: Weedle. I think I used the Weedle line once. Maybe. Mostly I remember these fuckers making Viridian Forest a nightmare with they gotdamn Poison Sting. I remember my Pikachu in Yellow crying poisoned and me with no healing items and a mostly dead team. Good times, good times.

In the last couple days, I've learned that Butterfree has a consistent wing pattern across most media and Weedle has a consistent number of body sections. Also I learned that shading spheres sucks and I'm gonna give up shading forever.

This might be the first time I've ever seen Weedle being badass lol
Playing:|Pokemon Scarlet/Violet|Fallout 76|Balatro|Pokemon Emerald Seaglass|
The Beedrill line is one of those where I really like the design, but they're so shit that I wouldn't use them.
https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
pegusus123456 posted...
The Beedrill line is one of those where I really like the design, but they're so shit that I wouldn't use them.
Kakuna wears a little tie :3
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
This thread is awesome
random_man9119 posted...
This might be the first time I've ever seen Weedle being badass lol
Thanks, I tried lol.

pegusus123456 posted...
The Beedrill line is one of those where I really like the design, but they're so shit that I wouldn't use them.
I always preferred Butterfree's design to Beedrill's. I'd at least give the middle stage to Kakuna though, just cuz Metapod is so nothing. I think I did actually give up on using Beedrill the one time I had one on my team cuz it wasn't doing much.

DrizztLink posted...
Kakuna wears a little tie :3
I noticed that earlier and I'm still mulling over using that in Kakuna's pic now. It is cute lol.

Kanaya413 posted...
This thread is awesome
Thanks a bunch. :P
Hambo's alt.
Hambo posted...
I always preferred Butterfree's design to Beedrill's. I'd at least give the middle stage to Kakuna though, just cuz Metapod is so nothing. I think I did actually give up on using Beedrill the one time I had one on my team cuz it wasn't doing much.
Eh, despite my nostalgia for it, Butterfree is a pretty boring design. It's literally just a butterfly.
https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
pegusus123456 posted...
Eh, despite my nostalgia for it, Butterfree is a pretty boring design. It's literally just a butterfly.
Correct. But butterflies are purty. Beautifly, Frosmoth, Venomoth; they're all neat. I really like several "literally just a ____" pokeymans.
Hambo's alt.
Current Events » Ahh, the pokeydex.
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