How are the egg prices in the US?

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Current Events » How are the egg prices in the US?
Did you guys fix that? Seemed to be the hottest issue from what people told me.
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Someone in one of my discords yesterday:
Japanese Crack:
Sayoria posted...
Someone in one of my discords yesterday:

Is that more or less than a week ago?

They are about 200 here. Roughly a dollar, and healthier and tastier too.
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3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
_____Cait posted...
Is that more or less than a week ago?

They are about 200 here. Roughly a dollar, and healthier and tastier too.


Man, we don't have to live like this but the billionaires have this country by the fucking balls.
Japanese Crack:
Sayoria posted...

Man, we don't have to live like this but the billionaires have this country by the fucking balls.

Hope there is someone there that will actually take action.
ORAS secret base:
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
_____Cait posted...
Hope there is someone there that will actually take action.

Not something only one person can do though. There needs to be a full outright revolution and that won't likely happen until the bubble is bursted. And since our drug prices were just risen again, who knows, it might happen sooner than later.
Japanese Crack:
Trump: makes a law that sets a maximum price of eggs.
Egg producers: we make no profit for that price *stops producing eggs*

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_____Cait posted...
Did you guys fix that? Seemed to be the hottest issue from what people told me.
It was never really about grocery prices.
Post #9 was unavailable or deleted.
18 for $5. Its usually around $4.

Just means if I buy some I dont eat them as fast. My father also knows a friend who has a couple who has laying hens. Its ok to have hens just no roosters.

At the old place this wasn't a issue. We sold local eggs
I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me-
$4.17/dozen at the Walmart near me
Haven't bought eggs in awhile. Probably a month or so... Last time I got 30 for $6 at Harris Teeter. Which is crazy because they're usually higher on groceries overall but their eggs are pretty reasonable.

RIP BigAirDay aka Bill.
Not changing this signature until the Carolina Panthers win the Super Bowl. Signature started 10/30/11
littlebro07 posted...
$4.17/dozen at the Walmart near me
Same, they were $2.88 last week
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
There's a bird flu outbreak that's killed off a lot of the chickens so egg production is down.
"If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be."
I work at a diner. Historically in 2018-2021ish it was around $20-25/case (15 dozen), spiking up to around $70-80 during 2022 inflation and then settling around $40-50. Right now iirc it's around $105-110/case. Pretty not great, egg prices a big deal for a diner.
Feeling really good.
Faceless goofus in a sea of alts
Sayoria posted...
Someone in one of my discords yesterday:
Where in the holy hell does this man live? They're $6.49 for 12, $8.99 for 18 at Target Ala Moana. Ala Moana as in the most expensive shopping mall in the state with the highest cost of living.
( ^_^)/\(^_^ ) Maya High-Five!
Eggs are about 9.50 for a dozen here too but they've been that price for a while already
3DS FC: 0619-4850-3479 IGN: AlmaDelita
$7.49 a dozen where I live. and generally out of stock.
R.I.P. America, 1776-2024
Criminal Joe Biden is keeping their prices high out of spite for the great job Trump is already doing.
I hope something good happens to you today
Playing: Baldur's Gate 3
Last week I bought the cheap eggs for 3:89 last night those.same eggs were 4.59
"So this is how liberty dies, with Thunderous applause." Padme Amidala
I go shopping tomorrow, I'll check it out for curiosity.
I'm surrounded
bloodyarts posted...
It was never really about grocery prices.

For a lot of voters it was. Im not talking about the brainwashed MAGA types, but the ordinary people who switched from Biden to Trump because they stupidly believed he would fix inflation.

I live in a red state and the general consensus around me was yeah he says bad things but the economy got so bad under Biden

Lots of people voted Trump out of malice, yes. But even more voted out of stupidity.
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.
Its 4.50 to 6 for a dozen depending on the type and brand. Honestly, I guess my area has been lucky so far.
I'll report what my local prices are tomorrow after I do my shopping. I think a dozen eggs were less than 3 dollars when I bought them a few weeks ago.
Without truth, there is nothing.
The prices and availability will improve here only when better protocols than the current "kill the entire flock and any and all flocks at nearby farms if one chicken coughs" is discovered and deployed.
Politicians are the weeds of the galaxy.
Giant_Aspirin posted...
Bird flu is going to end? How do we know it ever even started? I don't know about you, but I've never seen a bird with the flu. Sounds like more fake news from the liberal media /s
Hey, everyone, what's going on in this topic? Oh.
I recently paid $3.49 for a dozen
7800X3D - 7900 XTX - 32GB 6000 - 1440p Ultrawide
5.50$ a dozen for cage free eggs (only option) if want something pasture raised it's 7$ a dozen.

i have a threshold when i may switch my option. just rough since i have to keep to a diet of low carb and low sugar (makes my choices much less).
currently playing: nickelodeon kart racers 3: slime speedway (daily until disc arrives)
RIP Sophie the dog: February 2011-april 2024. we'll miss you alot.
Here in the UK, a dozen large free range eggs are 2.79 ($3.44) in Aldi.

The UK has had a much worse economy than the US (thanks, Brexit), and the cost of living is typically higher anyway. So I'm a bit puzzled why factory farmed eggs in the US are more expensive than UK free range.

Transport costs? Lack of competition? Taxes? Price gouging?

(We've had bird flu here as well).
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Let in the refugees, deport the racists.
Me buying a pack of eggs for 1.39 and not living under a dictator:
Work in progress bass guitar sound-
ai123 posted...
Here in the UK, a dozen large free range eggs are 2.79 ($3.44) in Aldi.

The UK has had a much worse economy than the US (thanks, Brexit), and the cost of living is typically higher anyway. So I'm a bit puzzled why factory farmed eggs in the US are more expensive than UK free range.

Transport costs? Lack of competition? Taxes? Price gouging?

(We've had bird flu here as well).
I think it is because US Chickens are not vaccinated unlike the UK.
Klim tao etah I
StateofZen posted...
I think it is because US Chickens are not vaccinated unlike the UK.
Because effective bird flu vaccines don't exist.
Politicians are the weeds of the galaxy.
StateofZen posted...
I think it is because US Chickens are not vaccinated unlike the UK.

Don't expect that to change under the current regime.

Does the US rely much more heavily on foreign egg imports to make ends meet than the UK?

I don't know how the UK agricultural sector holds up compared to most other western nations but we don't usually have supply/cost issues with eggs.
Work in progress bass guitar sound-
I recorded the prices two days before inauguration

12 packs were 4.39 and 4.97 depending on brand
18 packs were 6.39 and 7.99

So I'll know how they change over time. Not going to be gaslit if the prices rise.
They're at an all time high.
I live in the #1 egg producing state in the US. Huge agricultural state and you can get good pasture raised farm fresh eggs from the grocery store here for $4 a dozen. Cheaper if you actually just buy from a farmer locally which are all over the place. $3 a dozen is the typical farm price these days. Some places are cheaper but $3 is pretty average for farm fresh eggs. That is if you don't have family or a neighbor giving them to you.

Honestly I don't care what the price is. It won't stop me from buying them. I love eggs and eat 2 to 3 dozen a week but I'm glad I can get real farm fresh eggs of varying size and colors with varying yolk colors, REAL farm eggs from small family farms, pasture raised for $4 a dozen from the store. These small family farms haven't been hit hard with the bird flu situation like the bigger places have.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
_____Cait posted...
Is that more or less than a week ago?

They are about 200 here. Roughly a dollar, and healthier and tastier too.
Damn thats so cheap since I personally know yen to usd conversion
-Crissaegrim- posted...
Me buying a pack of eggs for 1.39 and not living under a dictator:
Im so jealous and not about the eggs
Dozen eggs Cali

  • $8.99 Savemart
  • $8.99 Safeway
  • $8.98 Raley's
There are definitely eggs available for higher prices but these were roughly the cheapest for each store.
Kanaya413 posted...
Damn thats so cheap since I personally know yen to usd conversion

Yeah, I think the most expensive premium eggs at the store are like 400 yen.
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thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
2.59 euros for a dozen here.

And there are effective bird flu vaccines for chickens. They've been around for a long time now.

Egypt, China, Mexico, Guatemala, and France are using them... at least as recently as 2023. (Maybe more are doing so now?)
"History shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man. Go go Godzilla!"
Godzilla - Blue Oyster Cult
You guys have eggs? My grocery store was completely out when I last went.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
opopopza posted...
You guys have eggs? My grocery store was completely out when I last went.
Sounds like people panic bought eggs ahead of the tariffs. Good on them if they got a fridge big enough to hold all that.
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like $3 for a dozen when i bought some from walmart last week. like 5 years ago was only $1.

in michigan they did change to cage free a few months ago. looking at meijer that i normally go to is $5 for the cheapest now. but now even walmart is showing $4.53 now. then others that are a few bucks more.

so we're back to another price hike on eggs? they're like 500% more expensive since covid.
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In my Canada area a dozen eggs are $4.54
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7.99 at my gas station in town
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I usually get eggs from Costco but just recently I got 18 eggs at my supermarket for like 3.79 I think? I was surprised it was so cheap.
How quaint.
Link_of_time posted...
Dozen eggs Cali

i lost my right to complain...

gawd damn at those prices.
currently playing: nickelodeon kart racers 3: slime speedway (daily until disc arrives)
RIP Sophie the dog: February 2011-april 2024. we'll miss you alot.
"Tether even a roasted chicken."
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Current Events » How are the egg prices in the US?
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