Indie metroidvania Ender Magnolia's full launch is on the 22nd

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Current Events » Indie metroidvania Ender Magnolia's full launch is on the 22nd
Price is going to go up on Steam if you haven't grabbed it yet

Ender Lilies was very good
Oh I didn't think about the price going up. Guess I'll do that while it's still in Early Access.
Thanks for the heads up, I had no idea this game existed.
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How's the first game?
"Average Joe" is a trolling term since it's completely an opinion. "Overachieving" is also an opinion. - SBAllen (Hellhole: 52458377)
St0rmFury posted...
How's the first game?

quite good.

Too bad the EA price is not that cheap.

The game should release in about an hour and a half for anyone who cares or has the time.

St0rmFury posted...
How's the first game?
Pretty good. The boss fights and music are the highlights for me, and as a completionist that always does Metroidvania's blind I appreciate that the in-game maps would tell you if there's anything left inside a room and whether or not you've used every exit. It's not super story focused but the lore drops were interesting enough, plus the fact that it got a sequel announced made me retroactively care more about what's going on/about to happen.

Combat(and the platforming to an extent) was neat since it's pretty customizable as Lily herself doesn't hurt enemies, but her not-Jojo stands do. There are some mandatory moves you'd get from the main bosses, and a lot more that you can find from unique versions of regular enemies scattered across the map.
Post #9 was unavailable or deleted.
over all enjoyed the first one so i hope to get this one sometime
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Thanks again for posting, picked it up on release day for PS5 and am enjoying it.
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Oh wow, this was not on my radar at all; I probably saw the title at some point but didn't make the connection with the original, which I enjoyed quite a bit. Definitely picking this up.
Thus I became a madman.
Oh shit I need to get this.
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Current Events » Indie metroidvania Ender Magnolia's full launch is on the 22nd