Randomly got this in my Reddit DM's today

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Current Events » Randomly got this in my Reddit DM's today
Post #1 was unavailable or deleted.
Yeah, Joe Biden has definutely got to go next election.
This is a cool sig
Trump totally did everything perfect and is only looking out for all of us

I mean, he said he was so that means he is, right?
So much ART
Like how he said he voted for Biden while simultaneously sucking trumps little mushroom.
For the Swarm!!!!!
Post #5 was unavailable or deleted.
Motherfucker cannot even read the stock market
"While you were wasting your time castrating a priceless antique, I was systematically feeding babies to hungry mutated puppies!" -The Monarch
Those are all unregulated capitalism problems. Republicans have been talking about "smaller government" in an effort to have EVEN LESS regulations on capitalism. To phrase a nice quote "You don't seriously think a Conservative mind can chart the course for a new world?"
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
The stock market has reached new highs every year for decades. In the broad sense, Wall Street does not give a fuck who the president is.
See you next Wednesday.
only thing I will agree with him is house prices, no one can afford a new home these days
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Current Events » Randomly got this in my Reddit DM's today