Oof, got Covid again.

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Current Events » Oof, got Covid again.
Second confirmed time, had one other case where I was exposed to someone with it and got sick but never took a test. This time around seems to be the mildest, at least so far.

Felt a bit off yesterday, but just put it down to heat / humidity at first. Ended up leaving work early tho cause I got worse as the day went on. Remembered at around midnight that I had some tests in the cupboard and took one and yeah, positive.
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Hopefully it doesn't get worse for you.

I wonder how many times I've actually gotten it but it was just mild or no symptoms. I've only been knowingly sick with covid once.
Up to no good searching for tomorrow
Misunderstood when you're headed straight into the flames
Warning! Test yourself when you think you are well.

I was annoyed when I got well but my test was positive. Two days later I realized I actually was sick but just felt well in comparison.

I advise you one day of rest after you feel better. If you are still congested, you are not well.
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Error1355 posted...
I wonder how many times I've actually gotten it but it was just mild or no symptoms. I've only been knowingly sick with covid once.
The only previous confirmed time for me was in April 2022, during the height of the first Omicron wave. A few months later, yeah, I got sick with covid-like symptoms and later found out someone I'd been around had had covid at the time, but I didn't take a test during that time. (This was back when it was just starting to come out that reinfections can happen quite soon after the initial infection, so based on the earlier advice I had kind of assumed it couldn't have been covid because it was too soon after the last time I'd had it.)
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CobraGT posted...
I advise you one day of rest after you feel better. If you are still congested, you are not well.
Honestly the congestion has been pretty minor this time around. The main symptoms have been fever (quite bad) and muscle aches (mild but noticable).
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Stock up on Gatorade and get some rest.
Los Angeles Clippers
LuigiChalmersJr posted...
Stock up on Gatorade and get some rest.
Luckily for me I always keep a good stock of Powerade anyway. I quit energy drinks in November 2023 and replaced them with Powerades.
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That's miserable
You all vaxxed up?
It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in.
ItsNotA2Mer posted...
That's miserable
You all vaxxed up?
Nah, I'm actually quite behind. Not anti-vaxx, just lazy, I'd been meaning to get an up to date one "at some point" for a while now but never got around to doing it. I had the two initial doses plus a single booster (all of them the original version of the Pfizer vaccine), but this was back in late '21 / early '22. My only prior confirmed infection was also in '22, as was the other suspected case.

With that being said, I've probably had a lot of really low-level exposure to it from working in retail in areas with a lot of people who are either outright anti-vaxx or just don't really give a shit about going into crowded places while sick. I wonder if that might've acted as kind of a "budget vaccine" (similar to how previous infections do) and hence why my symptoms are fairly mild. Could also just be luck and/or a general good immune system tho, or possibly that I've had more recent infections that for whatever reason didn't test positive.
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My partner reminded me that paracetamol (acetaminophen, for the 'muricans) exists and is great for dealing with fevers, so I popped a couple of those. Fever is pretty much gone. I had already taken some ibuprofen for headache (not sure if related, I'm pretty prone to those in general) but because paracetamol never works for headaches for me, I never think about it.

So basically all I have now is a slight runny nose, and a tendency to cough a bit when I use the vape. (Weirdly, using the [this message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator] doesn't cause this, even though that's actual smoke so should be harsher in theory.)
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Cough has started now, but pretty much all the other symptoms have gone away.
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I still not recovering my smelling sense.
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you posted will be misquoted, then be used against you.
Ricemills posted...
I still not recovering my smelling sense.
I never had much of a sense of smell in the first place. Didnt lose taste during any of my infections tho.
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Error1355 posted...
Hopefully it doesn't get worse for you.

I wonder how many times I've actually gotten it but it was just mild or no symptoms. I've only been knowingly sick with covid once.
Gets worse each time for me. I'm still traumatized by what it did to me last year.
FAM FOREVER | https://iili.io/HSJO4Uv.jpg
Ah shit. :/

Hopefully it fucks off.

Keep well man.
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Just tested negative today, overall wasnt too bad tbh

Hope all goes well TC
I was up to date on boosters but got infected a second time myself recently. And it kicked my ass, I had to take a week off work this time
Day 3. Woke up with a slightly stuffy nose but otherwise I pretty much feel better now.
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Day 4. Woke up and I'm not feeling any ongoing symptoms at this point. Still coughing up a slight bit of gunk, just the usual that happens for a day or two after any cold/flu.

Honestly, I don't think I'd have even realised this one was covid if it wasn't for the test and (on the first day) the muscle aches which is a classic covid symptom at this point. It was over much quicker than the other times I had (or suspected having) it and way milder - my prior cases were most likely early Omicron variants, slight possibility the first time was Delta, I assume they've gotten even milder since then? (I kinda stopped keeping up with covid news in like, late 2022 maybe?)
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Current Events » Oof, got Covid again.