ItsNotA2Mer posted...
That's miserable
You all vaxxed up?
Nah, I'm actually quite behind. Not anti-vaxx, just lazy, I'd been meaning to get an up to date one "at some point" for a while now but never got around to doing it. I had the two initial doses plus a single booster (all of them the original version of the Pfizer vaccine), but this was back in late '21 / early '22. My only prior confirmed infection was also in '22, as was the other suspected case.
With that being said, I've probably had a
of really low-level exposure to it from working in retail in areas with a lot of people who are either outright anti-vaxx or just don't really give a shit about going into crowded places while sick. I wonder if that might've acted as kind of a "budget vaccine" (similar to how previous infections do) and hence why my symptoms are fairly mild. Could also just be luck and/or a general good immune system tho, or possibly that I've had more recent infections that for whatever reason didn't test positive.