The Practice's Alan Shore
masterpug53 posted...
That's a damn good one. S6 ended up being the best post-3rd season largely because of him and Frankie.
First thought was Frankie.
Buffy has a lot: Spike, Oz, Faith, Anya, Tara though all were in by the midpoint. Other midpoint thoughts were Frasier Crane on Cheers, Chris Traeger & Ben Wyatt in Parks & Recreation, Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones...
...Tough coming up with late-comers though. The kids on The Wire for sure. Juliet Burke & the Freighter Four are good shouts for LOST.
Alan Shore of The Practice counts, even if the final season was essentially a backdoor pilot for Boston Legal. That'll be my main answer unless I can think of better.
Mia on Arrow.
JACK! Jack on Supernatural, even as there's a ton of others (Castiel'd be up top if it stayed fuve seasons) like Rowena, Kevin, Crowley, Death, Lucifer, Cain.
Archie Morris on ER