Do you consider CE your found family?

Current Events

Current Events » Do you consider CE your found family?
More and more these days, people are realising that family isnt just those who share the same blood as you but the people closest to you. You can choose your family.

Would you say CE fits that criteria?

The most powerful force in the universe is love
Hell no lol. CE is that dysfunction family gathering where people will get drunk on 2 wines and argue about how you won't live up to your late-mother's expectations cuz you gave her the wrong colored flower 20 years ago
God no.
I stared into the mirror; a prisoner to the past, a ghost to the present.
Oh my no
When Cameron Was in Egypt's Land
Nope. Closest thing I have to that would be the friend group I regularly play D&D with.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
I grew up with a very bad family in a less-than-stellar household, so to this day I don't have any concept of what a family is outside of people just being related to each other. I don't think I would want a "found family". That sounds like too much stress.
Thanks for reading!
I love you guys and I only wish the best for you

But more accurately, no
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
yes i love you guys
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape & DMC 3 Ubisoft Port. He/Him
Not even remotely.
Up to no good searching for tomorrow
Misunderstood when you're headed straight into the flames
Lol no lmao Rams: 7-9
Eww, no. I don't fit in here in the slightest, my topics and artwork get nothing but crickets far more often than not, and even after posting here for over a decade I'd wager that the the vast majority of fellow CEmen gun to their head wouldn't remember my name.

The reason I keep coming here (apart from this place being a surprisingly good news aggregate) is that it's the only social group I've ever been a part of where I don't really care what its members think of me and I'm not particularly attached to anyone, which is incredibly liberating for someone as socially conscious / insecure as I am. I don't use this as an excuse to be a troll / asshole, but it does offer me the freedom to voice my thoughts and not worry about the consequences the way I would in a social group to which I had deep attachment. This also translates to not being so desperate to validate my posts and opinions; if I fire off something and it gets pushed back on or picked apart, I don't have to feel compelled to defend it and / or 'win' the argument the way I would in other social settings.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
yeah, we're CEblings! :)
Drink up me hearties, yo ho
No. There are people that I like and respect here certainly. Some I would even consider friends. Family? Not so much. Then again I think our society overvalues family over friendship in a way that enables shitty families to take advantage of their kin.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
...Do you consider CE your found family, TC?
KookyCouture posted...
yeah, we're CEblings! :)

A CEciety?
The most powerful force in the universe is love
In the same way that grabbing a pizza crust out of a dumpster means that I found dinner, sure.
Yes, and damn i have never seen such negativity on CE like ITT lmfao

dats what happens when you remove da you know what
I consider it found footage horror.
"Every last inch of me's covered in hair!"
No. I already said most of my RL friends filled the roles. My one friend was a father figure, another the mom I wish I had. Her son a brother. My friends niece a sister ( we were in similar age range). Her daughter called me Uncle _____ a few times. In all the drama of my friends passing that upset me the most
I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me-
DrizztLink posted...
In the same way that grabbing a pizza crust out of a dumpster means that I found dinner, sure.

The most powerful force in the universe is love
CE's more like the roommate that I don't actually have to live with.
Save for your doomed future
See profile pic
Nah it's full of people who report each other's posts for dumb shit.
This is where cool people write stuff.
Short answer: No
Long answer: Nnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo
Arguing on CE be all like:
Current Events » Do you consider CE your found family?