Tik Tok is going bye bye

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Current Events » Tik Tok is going bye bye
Cory898 posted...
Or to the people who hate on social media while being ignorant of anyplace on the internet where people gather and interact is the same as any social media site.

Ye best start believing in social media sites. Yer in one.

This is mostly true, though anyplace that doesn't have the owner trying to stroke their own ego is placed higher than what official social media sites we have these days.

Twitter was dead to me the moment Elon tried to tell me who I should vote for.

(Okay that's a lie, I barely used the damn thing outside of looking up art or art. But boy did that make me eye the deactivate button.)

Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
Cory898 posted...
Ye best start believing in social media sites. Yer in one.

I must have looked a fool playing with a backwards DS, teary eyed solving a Sudoku puzzle -Lordx718
Vine will be there waiting to welcome it.
You haven't set a signature for the message boards yet
Now my dreams of only American billionaires becoming more powerful can come true
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
Apparently byte dance has another app people were moving to. I assume that one is also banned?
http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/5517/cateyes.gif Rams: 7-9
A great victory!

Now instead of getting their brainrot from a hostile foreign power, the kids will have to get it from American and South African fascists.
"Tether even a roasted chicken."
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo
I really don't understand why CE keeps cheering the attempts to ban Tik Tok. Losing one of the largest social media platforms is going to hurt, more than it helps. Yes, there's lot of stupid shit on there, but there's also a lot of really informative videos on there as well. The government banning any social media platform seems like a step in the wrong direction. If the platform is bad, then let the users kill it.

Sariana21 posted...
How do you figure? Theres another thread indicating that SCOTUS is opposed to the ban. (Im not following the story directly myself.)

Ive said this before, but I continue to think this case is more nuanced than some users are allowing. The US military prohibits TikTok - and only TikTok - of all the platforms. I figure they know more than I do about why TikTok is a national security risk.
I'd chock that up to the US military being largely conservative, but who knows.
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
People hate fun. Can't wait for the American version full of right wing propaganda!
--Zero- posted...
People hate fun. Can't wait for the American version full of right wing propaganda!
We already have reels
See profile pic
I'd rather see it close than get turned into another right wing hell hole like all the other social media platforms seem to be doing.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
Irony posted...
We already have reels
tiktok at home
I don't know how they pay their people, but I can imagine the shitstorm that's going to happen afterwards. If people rely on Tik Tok to pay their bills, that's quite a few people that are going to be pissed off with the government.
cousinvini posted...
The epoch of recording oneself consuming tide pods, or cinnamon, or pepper is coming to an end
lmao pretending to eat tide pods and eating cinnamon are both trends from BEFORE tik tok was popular, and I don't think eating proper (like black pepper) has ever been a trend. So that just shows how grossly misinformed you are.

Getting rid of tik tok isn't going to get rid of stupid trends. All it means is that kids will be watching those trends on platforms that are more likely to put things like right wing fear mongering and white supremacist propaganda into their feed.
man - noun. A miserable pile of secrets.
EXAMPLE: What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!
legendary_zell posted...
CE is being extremely boomerish on this. This has nothing to do with protecting the youth or Instagram would also be on the chopping block. This is a combination of security state stuff, cold war stuff, anti-youth stuff, anti-left leaning information stuff, and a play for potential right-wing control of yet another major media outlet. It's nothing to be cheered. This isn't the regulation of social media and accountability you're looking for, far from it.
So glad to finally see more posts calling this out. People genuinely act like tiktok is the root of all evil and destroying our youth
Hee Ho
The fight that people are okay with here blows me mind. We have Right wing fascist controlling all of the major social media network out there. And the ONE that was close to leaning to the left. Democrats help to kill. How is this a good thing, like at all.
Pronouns: I'M/HIM
Is it going away in the whole world or just in America?
Deadass had a recommended video talking about "Green flags in the girls you date". There was quite a few red flags in the video itself (And indeed "Doesn't social media often" and "Doesnt have TikTok" were seprate entries for some reason).

All doubt of what the person who made the video was about vanished when I saw them heart a comment that stated that a girl with a swastika tattoo was a 'green' flag.

(Especially when lack of tattoos or piercings was listed as a positive in the video)

So umm... shit like that is super easy to find on YouTube, not sure why people think TikTok being singled out is an overall positive.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
Zikten posted...
Is it going away in the whole world or just in America?

Just America
Pronouns: I'M/HIM
Umbreon posted...
Deadass had a recommended video talking about "Green flags in the girls you date". There was quite a few red flags in the video itself (And indeed "Doesn't social media often" and "Doesnt have TikTok" were seprate entries for some reason).

All doubt of what the person who made the video was about vanished when I saw them heart a comment that stated that a girl with a swastika tattoo was a 'green' flag.

(Especially when lack of tattoos or piercings was listed as a positive in the video)

So umm... shit like that is super easy to find on YouTube, not sure why people think TikTok being singled out is an overall positive.
Youtube racism and other shit is so absurdly easy to find.

Also NEVER look at instagram comments if you want to continue having a good day. Both platforms are often worse than tiktok on a regular basis, and have no plans of stopping.
Hee Ho
cjsdowg posted...
The fight that people are okay with here blows me mind. We have Right wing fascist controlling all of the major social media network out there. And the ONE that was close to leaning to the left. Democrats help to kill. How is this a good thing, like at all.
Don't act like people are just okay with TikTok going away. People here want all of it to crash and burn; the subject matter of today is just TikTok.
I will rule the world, and find that truly good cup of coffee.
NoxObscuras posted...
I really don't understand why CE keeps cheering the attempts to ban Tik Tok. Losing one of the largest social media platforms is going to hurt, more than it helps. Yes, there's lot of stupid shit on there, but there's also a lot of really informative videos on there as well. The government banning any social media platform seems like a step in the wrong direction. If the platform is bad, then let the users kill it.

I'd chock that up to the US military being largely conservative, but who knows.
Its not about the content. The military doesnt care about that. Its about the site owners and the threat to national security.
Sari, Mom to DS (07/04) and DD (01/08); Pronouns: she/her/hers
Sariana21 posted...
It's about the site owners and the threat to national security.

Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
Sariana21 posted...
Its about the site owners and the threat to national security.
No it's not
See profile pic
Sariana21 posted...
Its not about the content. The military doesnt care about that. Its about the site owners and the threat to national security.

Elon Musk runs Twitter.
Pronouns: I'M/HIM
Sariana21 posted...
Its not about the content. The military doesnt care about that. Its about the site owners and the threat to national security.
remember when Musk was in contact with Putin that came out not long ago
Hee Ho
The event I attended was in fall 2023. I dont remember when Musk bought Twitter, and I dont know what the fall 2024 cohort was told. All I know is what I was briefed on.
Sari, Mom to DS (07/04) and DD (01/08); Pronouns: she/her/hers
Some other clone site, that doesn't have ties to China will just ape what it does and that will become the new Tik Tok.

I don't see that style of content just disappearing. To zoomers & alphas, it's as ubiquitous in the kind of media they consume as games, movies, tv and music.
Work in progress bass guitar sound- https://vocaroo.com/17qBOSAFwIfM https://voca.ro/1SflYnZYcUrr https://voca.ro/1k4Mz1W0pJ1S https://voca.ro/1o7ZHpB8wkAv
Kill the legs first, that's an ironclad battle tactic!
cjsdowg posted...
The fight that people are okay with here blows me mind. We have Right wing fascist controlling all of the major social media network out there. And the ONE that was close to leaning to the left. Democrats help to kill. How is this a good thing, like at all.
The left in TikTok were already condemning Democrats to begin with.
Here's a link to the CE Discord server in the event that the actual board gets removed by GameFAQs: https://discord.gg/zMBUnHPMHe
The whole outcry for Tiktok's ban started as retaliation for Tiktok users buying up tickets for Trump's Arizona rally at the height of Covid19 in order to keep the event empty. Democrats hopping onboard the ban call just screams of triangulation. I've seen no good reason why Tiktok deserves more scrutiny than any other social media platform.
Silver_Ogre posted...
The whole outcry for Tiktok's ban started as retaliation for Tiktok users buying up tickets for Trump's Arizona rally at the height of Covid19 in order to keep the event empty. Democrats hopping onboard the ban call just screams of triangulation. I've seen no good reason why Tiktok deserves more scrutiny than any other social media platform.
It's getting banned because they wouldn't censor Israel warcrimes. Multiple senators stated this.
See profile pic
Silver_Ogre posted...
Democrats hopping onboard the ban call just screams of triangulation .
Does this have another meaning I'm unaware of, or an autocorrect sort of thing?
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
Post #83 was unavailable or deleted.
DrizztLink posted...
Does this have another meaning I'm unaware of, or an autocorrect sort of thing?
In a political context, triangulation essentially boils down to sacrificing your political alignment's radicals in an effort to win over the opposition's moderates.
Silver_Ogre posted...
In a political context, triangulation essentially boils down to sacrificing your political alignment's radicals in an effort to win over the opposition's moderates.
Cool, thank you.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
It's super cool when a few billionaires monopolize all popular forms of communication, that's a real good for society, we should all be super hyped
KTG2 posted...
It's super cool when a few billionaires monopolize all popular forms of communication, that's a real good for society, we should all be super hyped

They will monopolize every form of communication and squash down on any fledgeling social media site.

And to make it better for them, Musk will likely go through with his want of mandatory Neurallink chips in peoples brains so we can't escape even away from technology or in our sleep.
"Do you like Scary movies?"
Cat/dog videos will still survive elsewhere.
I really don't have much interest in other shit
"While you were wasting your time castrating a priceless antique, I was systematically feeding babies to hungry mutated puppies!" -The Monarch
Good. This should have happened when it began to popularize harassing service workers and humiliating them online. Lo and behold, nobody wants to work in the industry now. I wonder why

This is going to sound nasty, but it basically made 3/4 of the worlds NPCs have MC syndrome. Everyone acts like they need special treatment and has a massively inflated ego for recording a harassment video or some stupid dance routine. Its a shame they let it get started over here.
Payzmaykr posted...
Good. This should have happened when it began to popularize harassing service workers and humiliating them online. Lo and behold, nobody wants to work in the industry now. I wonder why
you think the only reason people dont want to work in service is solely because tiktok

dawg come on
Hee Ho
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
you think the only reason people dont want to work in service is solely because tiktok

dawg come on
no, but it didnt help
Payzmaykr posted...
This is going to sound nasty, but it basically made 3/4 of the worlds NPCs have MC syndrome. Everyone acts like they need special treatment and has a massively inflated ego for recording a harassment video or some stupid dance routine.
You think there weren't people who demanded special treatment and to be catered to before TikTok? Have you ever worked food service or retail?
A hunter is a hunter...even in a dream
Irony posted...
It's getting banned because they wouldn't censor Israel warcrimes. Multiple senators stated this.

This doesn't surprise me. Do you have some direct quotes, or maybe a video supercut of our godawful congress trying to bury Israel's genocidal behavior this way?
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
Post #94 was unavailable or deleted.
DnDer posted...
This doesn't surprise me. Do you have some direct quotes, or maybe a video supercut of our godawful congress trying to bury Israel's genocidal behavior this way?

See profile pic
legendary_zell posted...
CE is being extremely boomerish on this. This has nothing to do with protecting the youth or Instagram would also be on the chopping block. This is a combination of security state stuff, cold war stuff, anti-youth stuff, anti-left leaning information stuff, and a play for potential right-wing control of yet another major media outlet. It's nothing to be cheered. This isn't the regulation of social media and accountability you're looking for, far from it.

This ended the topic.

The ignorance about Tiktok is astounding.

If you don't use the app, just say that. The boomerism, old men yelling at clouds shit is embarassing.
Bad Faith User
Current Events » Tik Tok is going bye bye
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