SSj4Wingzero posted...
You would think, but they have to pay for stupid-ass shit such as Governor Hochul's hotline for CEOs who feel threatened and want extra protection
You're worried about hotlines, when the city and state just blew $10 billion on migrants the past two years, most of who are not even eligible. And now they're begging for $15 billion because without it, they can't fix the shit that's way more important than blowing billions on random people.
Brykner posted...
The subways and buses in NYC is dogshit. I literally got a car so I could stop using it. Theres always homeless, the mentally ill, panhandlers, people blasting their phones, dudes open mouth coughing, and all the while youre probably standing.
Public transit is like eating bread and water, its enough to keep you alive but not the best in the world; while driving is like actually being able to eat delicious stuff for nourishment instead. Long Island Railroad isnt in this analogy btw, the LIRR is damn good, but most of the time, were stuck on subways and buses.
Which is why this thing has routinely gotten 25% support in most Sienna polls the past few years, while 2/3rds of the city is against it.
The MTA is a blackhole and everybody here knows it. This is a team up between rich people from lower Manhattan, which is one of the highest concentrations of wealth on the entire planet, stupid politicians, and progressive transplants that moved here recently and never interact with people outside their bubble or from the outer boroughs.
Antifar posted...
I take the subway five days a week.
You are statistically more likely to be hurt by a car in NYC than hurt in the subway system.
Lol, you just moved here from the middle of nowhere like last year. Also, which trains and stops?
Tyranthraxus posted...
Between bus and train you can get practically anywhere in NYC except Staten Island and Northern Bronx. The other "deserts" like Long Island are mostly populated by people who wouldn't take mass transit unless forced to anyway.
Long Island is not part of NYC. What are you even talking about? Eastern Queens, eastern Brooklyn, northeastern Bronx, all have horribly slow ass buses or none at all without a lot of walking. That's a large part of the city, especially when you add in SI. Manhattan and western parts that are well connected are a relatively tiny portion of the city.
Antifar posted...
Some numbers
The vast majority of people who enter Manhattan on a given day are doing so by means other than car. If your impression is otherwise, it is skewed by the high visibility of all the cars.
Ahh, yes. People only ever go to Manhattan to work. We're ignoring the 5 bridges/tunnels they've just blocked off, and the damn near spiteful way they've set up things like exiting the Queensboro or Brooklyn in certain ways or being charged for entering the zone for half a street because they've intentionally started the zone from 60th instead of 59th. Or including crossings like Pearl St. Things that affect people even going away from the CBD.
Even London ends their congestion pricing at 6:30 PM (down from 7 PM after people complained), whereas NYC is 24/7 and comes out to almost double the hours. The CBD is basically dead at night outside like 2-3 major areas. You don't need congestion pricing, even if reduced, when shit is empty. It's hard to not see this as anything but a slimy money grab.
Starks posted...
Pretty noticeable impact so far
This was from about 11:30 PM. Looks to me like some of the richest people in the world now have no traffic, because it's all been diverted to where we were discussing the other day. The part by the GWB/Cross Bronx is all lower income neighborhoods. On a Sunday night, in January, in below freezing temperatures. Shit is supposed to be empty.