seems to think best selling means best games
Moron actually thinks that people buy every single fucking game that's released.
Also, unhinged Hogwarts Legacy... something, not even sure whether to call it a rant or not. And no shit 2k sold more than fucking Metaphor Refantazio.
Moron actually thinks that people buy every single fucking game that's released.
Also, unhinged Hogwarts Legacy... something, not even sure whether to call it a rant or not. And no shit 2k sold more than fucking Metaphor Refantazio.
ack ack ack ppp is just razzing us hes my friend!
This man is absolutely insane, jesus christ. If your cat is that fucked up around other people, sounds like a you issue, m8. Guess that means he ain't leaving the house for another decade considering how the cat is only 3 years old or so.
Classic DSP, even simple things like traveling are impossible for him. I have a skiddish cat too and we travel all the time, you just pay someone to feed them multiple times per day at your home, you don't have to board them.It's also a big fat lie (as usual) considering how Dave paid someone to watch over Jasper before.
The concept of a cat having mental trauma from seeing strangers is so dumb and hilarious WPIG multiple stream deep dive of this topic before and after Khet moved in was really insightful about this. Before he was making silent g grape jokes and all sorts of insane shit, now the slightest romantic scene has him in a tizzy, and it happened pretty quickly also after she moved in. I really have to question to what extent she's responsible for his borderline incel behavior at this point.
I kind of lean more towards 'he does it because he has a child-like idea of what being an adult is and a responsible adult doesn't lust after women.'It's 100% this.
Yet the first time he played MGS3 he wouldn't stop talking about EVAs tits.I feel that too was 'I'm supposed to be super into women or I'll come off as gay and weird!'
Yet he hoots and hollers whenever he goes into the hot springs with the men in Yakuza.This is the reason why I go with the Khet theory as opposed to him trying to imitate what a machoor adult would be like and failing miserably like an alien. Dude is laughing it up when this happens or when he bumbled his way into gay bear romance in Baldur's Gate III, but the merest hint of romance between a woman and man (heaven forbid two women) gives him an aneurysm.
For the next marathon, enjoy him covering his eyes not looking at the screen (he's married, dood!) while stumbling through Lollipop Chainsaw, and enjoy him playing against bots on Truly an amazing streamer.
If the Lollipop Chainsaw content produces enough gold dust, I almost feel obligated to dust off the video editor and make a side by side compilation of him when he first played it vs now.
Does he ever actually finish games? He can't say they all work on his stream if he is constantly quitting games. I don't watch his streams, but what I heard is most games, he never finishesHe's quitting them at an increasing pace, last year he quit so many he couldn't even do a GOTY list, he did a goofy best/worst playthroughs which I summed up earlier in the topic. Truly dented to have a demo be the worst playthrough and the second best one simultaneously.
Phil took a picture of his freezer to show how he can't have a cake in there and add taking pictures to the endless list of things Phil can't do properly because you can't see fucking anything about the freezer's capacity in said picture. Doesn't even show the whole thing.
Also, apparently Phil buys premium frozen ramen meals.
Because of course he does. If there's anything we should be wasting money on it's premium ramen that takes up space in a fridge rather than finding one of the actually alright instant ramens you can just store in a cupboard. Not like either is anything like the real deal.
Also in general his freezer is full of the most fatty fastfood shit. I think there was a bag of berries and the rest of it was pizza, burgers, ramen, french fries. This is definitely a guy who lives a healthy life and whose wife cooks every day.
ALSO ALSO ALSO. Fatty nazi guy LITERALLY called Phil the a-word and Phil just completely ignored it.