DSPGaming General 35: I'm begging, begging you,

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Current Events » DSPGaming General 35: I'm begging, begging you,
Im begging, begging you,
Give me your money, Ive got nothing to do!
Im begging, begging you,
Just send a tip, any little bit will do!


I want you to grab your nuts. Grab your balls. I want you to take a handful, and just grab your nuts real quick. Swivel 'em around in a circular motion.
I want you to grab your nuts. Grab your balls. I want you to take a handful, and just grab your nuts real quick. Swivel 'em around in a circular motion.
Much love
Been a while since Steve of the Dead did a video but that's how it usually goes with him. Boom five hour video suddenly. I got a lot of videos stocked up from Phil and Christmas, Tevin, Brandon ugh and my vacation ends tomorrow.
Snesman64 and I are brothers stop being surprised.
*leans in*
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
Irrelevant posted...
Been a while since Steve of the Dead did a video but that's how it usually goes with him. Boom five hour video suddenly. I got a lot of videos stocked up from Phil and Christmas, Tevin, Brandon ugh and my vacation ends tomorrow.
i think hes been working on a ten + hout thing thats supposedly dropping soon.
Why is DSP the lolcow of choice for CE? I'm not too versed in his lore
Thanks for reading!
Any detractors people used to follow but stopped? I used to follow ChillMurray and still subscribed to him but I dunno he's just kind of annoying since he's usually high when he streams. I mean good for him and he's clearly a hard worker and a dad but damn I think I got tired of it.

I do remember he took something I said with good humor. Once he said 'I don't want a black Batman okay! Bruce Wayne is white!' Which is fine I wouldn't be against a black Bruce Wayne but Chill black he doesn't want a black Bruce Wayne and that's fine. But then The Flash movie was coming out and he's like 'oh that's a hot Superwoman! Sasha Calle is all short with dark hair and she's hot!' Me: Um her heritage is Columbian and Superwoman is blonde. How come this is okay? Chill: Alright you got me there Irrelevant huhuhuuuhuh!

One I unsubscribed because he got annoying but I can't remember his name. He'd just get super dramatic when Phil would get on his nerves. "MFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFRRR! No no no no. I'm not going to get angry." *plays four seconds of video* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR! *deep breathe* I'm fine." *four more seconds* "AAGAHAHAH! I can't stand it!"
Bro stop watching Phil then.
Snesman64 and I are brothers stop being surprised.
CRON posted...
Why is DSP the lolcow of choice for CE? I'm not too versed in his lore
I guess hes the most widely known one, with the longest history.
I want you to grab your nuts. Grab your balls. I want you to take a handful, and just grab your nuts real quick. Swivel 'em around in a circular motion.
Mostly because Phil is deranged and has terrible opinions about video games. I swear for a short amount of time the Super Street Fighter 4 board was saying he was a good SF4 player. He's was slightly better than average and complained constantly and he still complains constantly.
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
Phil played and finished so few 2024 games that he can't do a best/worst game of the year list, so he's just doing the playthroughs of the year instead.

So if anyone remembers which games got him the least amount of money, you already know how the list will look.
Imagine not only doing your millionth playthrough of Dark Souls, but only proceeding to actually buy the game literal hours after the steam winter sale is over.

Oh man, we are in for a great year.

Edit: He also didn't download his mods ahead of time because he's a complete fucking idiot.
PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
All games, movies, albums, and books are fads- Darkfire12
Disaster tech stream. Insulting chat for not being able to fix his computer.
Watching Phil play the tutorial of Dark Souls 1 for the... fourth time? fifth time? and being as bad as someone playing it for the first time is simultaneously classic and baffling.
Remember he used to build high end pcs back in the day.
I want you to grab your nuts. Grab your balls. I want you to take a handful, and just grab your nuts real quick. Swivel 'em around in a circular motion.
Phil probably couldn't put Ikea furniture together with the instructions without going on a 10 minute rant about how someone else messed up and then begging his chat to help him.
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
Back to street fighter 6 and raging at cammy again. Dude bought 3 copies on 3 separate systems to prove he wasnt a washed up scrub.
I want you to grab your nuts. Grab your balls. I want you to take a handful, and just grab your nuts real quick. Swivel 'em around in a circular motion.
Phil said that he is always willing to do gameplay if he doesn't have anything to talk about on his podcast.

9/10 podcasts he can't fill out and he has literally never started gameplay early, he just does Q&A.

It must be amazing to live in a world where reality is just what you want it to be in this exact moment.
LightningAce11 posted...
Back to street fighter 6 and raging at cammy again. Dude bought 3 copies on 3 separate systems to prove he wasnt a washed up scrub.
This is what actual insanity looks like. Bought the game on both consoles, 300+ dollars for a top of the line fightstick, 2000+ dollars for a custom watercooled PC and bought the game again because it would give him an equal playing ground, only to have him get his ass handed to him over and over. The same game, the same rage and excuses, nothing's changed.
XboX GT/Steam/Wii-U - Nazanir
Its because of detractors that I cant get sponsorships and have to beg

I have my moral code, Im not a sell out and would rather rely on my fans support

pick one dsp
I want you to grab your nuts. Grab your balls. I want you to take a handful, and just grab your nuts real quick. Swivel 'em around in a circular motion.

What he actually means is: "that is not what happened in my mind."
XboX GT/Steam/Wii-U - Nazanir
LightningAce11 posted...
Its because of detractors that I cant get sponsorships and have to beg

I have my moral code, Im not a sell out and would rather rely on my fans support

pick one dsp

His moral code is "Well I know you're not poor because you said you've been eating and traveling, give me money... $1 dollar isn't enough you're holding out on me".
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
"I feel like I have kids with the amount of stuff I am responsible for and running around constantly. I feel like I have a full family of four."
-Man who barely streams video games and has nobody in his life save for a wife who in herself barely does anything
PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
All games, movies, albums, and books are fads- Darkfire12
Btw, has he even officially wagequit Dragon Age, or did he just stop playing it and is not talking about it?
There's so much accumulated trash in the Snort Fort that Phil had to hire a junk removal company.

Even though he's at the junkyard at least once a month.



dancing_cactuar posted...
"I feel like I have kids with the amount of stuff I am responsible for and running around constantly. I feel like I have a full family of four."
-Man who barely streams video games and has nobody in his life save for a wife who in herself barely does anything

He's gotta make time for the 3 hours of ranting he HAS to do every day.
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
Get ready guys, tonight he'll have the most disappointing playthroughs of the year AKA games his dents didn't pay money for so he wage quit them, and yes I said playthroughs because as established earlier in the topic, dude wage quit so many games and spent so much time replaying old shit he couldn't make a proper list. Fully expect FF VII Rebirth, Wukong, Sparking Zero, Marvel Rivals, and Metaphor Refantazio to be in, it will truly be a list of all time.
PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
All games, movies, albums, and books are fads- Darkfire12
Re streamers are illegal but he cant so them because there is so precedent for it.

No judge will care about a begging burping gamer being streamed on another channel.
I want you to grab your nuts. Grab your balls. I want you to take a handful, and just grab your nuts real quick. Swivel 'em around in a circular motion.
Tbh I kind of expect Metaphor to be his "best" playthrough of 2024.

The Metaphor demo that he didn't continue because he didn't get enough money, that is.
Damn, look at this organic support he's seeing.
PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
All games, movies, albums, and books are fads- Darkfire12
To summarize the stream:

20. Path of Exile 2, because you dents didn't step up the single time I played it
19. Silent Hill The Message, because the ending filtered me
18. Marvel Rivals, because you dents didn't step the fuck up, why didn't you pay me money you fucks
17. The Black Ops 6 Campaign, because I'm a fucking idiot who fell for the marketing scheme and thought a Modern COD game, let alone campaign, would be remotely decent. Also, PUZZLES REEE
16. Hellblade II, because the game wasn't 60 fps, story filtered me, and the game was too similar to the game I liked
15. Multiversus, because they nerfed my favorite characters and you dents didn't step up god fucking dammit
14. Dragon Age Veilguard, because despite a fan/ me buying a PS5 Pro to play it, game was boring as fuck, too woke, and nobody paid me money to recuperate the money I spent on a PS5 Pro


13. Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, because I fucking suck ass at the game despite cheesing with Wheelo and Yajirobe so I literally ctrl alt del rage quit it. Also, you didn't give me money, fuckos.
12. Dragon's Dogma 2, see Hellblade, only I also didn't get paid as much for this and shit wasn't on gamepass so I spent money on it
11. Star Wars Battlefront Collection, because the collection sucks ass (not arguing against this one, Dave, but this collection is shittier than literally anything on this list)

Break for SUPREME beg, whale call, and WWE Champions, SHOUTOUTS TO OIC ON HIS OTHER SOCK!

10. Star Wars Outlaws, because I'm an idiot who expected Ubislop to not be terrible, it was too woke, and not enough laser swords
9. Alone in the Dark, because the game sold like shit and the studio I can't remember the names of went bankrupt
8. Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Because the title is too complex for me, it's not cross platform, and FUCKING ROLLBACK CURSE YOU CANNON BROTHERS
6. Alan Wake 2 Lakehouse, because it was Control not Alan Wake, skill issue, and the ending filtered me
5. Black Myth Wukong, because I fucking sucked at it, no yellow paint, and none of you dents paid me money, shit killed the streak for crying out loud!


4. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, because you fuckers didn't give me money, didn't pay attention to ME REE and we were about to get to Costa Del Sol .
2. Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, because I think this killed interest in RPGs and the story sucked even though it's my life fr fr

Edit: This has now turned into ranting about his youtube channel and the haters, lmfao what the fuck is even happening.
PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
All games, movies, albums, and books are fads- Darkfire12
Does he ever like any games?
Zikten posted...
Does he ever like any games?
The WWE stream where he made a new account and started doing pulls. I never seen him more alive than that.
XboX GT/Steam/Wii-U - Nazanir
Nazanir posted...
The WWE stream where he made a new account and started doing pulls. I never seen him more alive than that.
PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
All games, movies, albums, and books are fads- Darkfire12
Every single game Phil plays he sits there and passively absorbs (and forgets five seconds later) without anything to comment on other than things that happens on screen, followed by a "har har".

WWE Champions he was a fucking lore master sharing all the hot tidbits on the history of characters (and why they all suck now) and giving the hot tips on how best to spend money on the website rather than the app to not be a scrub.

It was fucking wild the difference and it is amazing how he has no concept of how he comes off.

aint no way hes wearing a diaper right? Then again he admitted to not showering every day and basically lives in filth.
I want you to grab your nuts. Grab your balls. I want you to take a handful, and just grab your nuts real quick. Swivel 'em around in a circular motion.
Bruhhh. Is that actually a diaper? No fucking way.
"And no I'm not signing your twitter after this type of attitude so don't ask..." - IIINCORRUPTIBLE
I only know DSP for one thing, don't care for this type of drama otherwise.

evening main 2.4356848e+91
DSP was good at fighting games back in the day, the issue is he refused to adapt to newer games and acts like they should all play like super turbo.
I want you to grab your nuts. Grab your balls. I want you to take a handful, and just grab your nuts real quick. Swivel 'em around in a circular motion.
so he's a relic of an older age. And he never evolved and is bitter about it

20. WWE CHAMPIONS TIME, because this is the only game I'm passionate about, felt the trolls dood!
19. Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection, yes I know I put this on the disappointing list yesterday, but it allowed me to ego trip from the olden days!
18. Still Wakes the Deep, because I didn't pay shit for this, the only games I enjoy that aren't WWE Champions are walking sims like this, and I'm a graphics whore, ENDING FUCKING FILTERED ME THOUGH ALSO FUCK YOU DAVID CHASE FOR MAKING AN UNCLEAR ENDING TO THE SOPRANOS
17. Helldivers 2, because I would be crucified if I didn't put it here
16. Hades 2, yes I know I put this on the disappointing list yesterday, but I would be crucified if I didn't say that it was a good game and put it here! It's YOUR fault that I didn't play the game btw, dents.
15. Stalker 2, because even though I fucking despise this Eurojank, I needed to pad out a list of 20, also think Fallout
14. Baldur's Gate 3, yes I know I put this on the disappointing list yesterday, but I was paid a shitload of money playing this and I would be crucified if I didn't say it was good, also felting the trolls who said I wouldn't put it on the list
13. Marvel Rivals, yes I know I put this on the disappointing list yesterday, but I like capeshit and would be crucified if I didn't put it here, too bad you dents didn't step the fuck up.
12. Microsoft Flight Sim, because you dents paid me loads of money and I'm a huge graphics whore
11. Crow Country, because think PS1 Resident Evil, and the ending didn't filter me
10. Alan Wake 2 Night Springs, because it was random shit related to Alan Wake, look at this footage that looks nothing like Alan Wake, also it's the best written DLC ever

Break for whale call, gin, WWE Champions, and MASSIVE beg, step the fuck up it's only $23 right now. Also, you're stupid for expecting me to crop out the leaderboards from the older videos for this shit

9. Tekken 8, yes I know I rage quit this the nanosecond I got bodied in purples and was demoted, but I'd be crucified if I didn't put this here, also this is a 2D fighting game
8. Balatro, forget how I shat on it the second I heard about its nominations at the Dorito Pope awards, it's here because it's a poker roguelike and I'm a gambling addict. Side note, talking for hours is hard.
7. Astro Bot, BUT SPECIFICALLY ON THE PRO YOU FUCKS, because I'm a Sony fanboy who likes Kraytos, and I'd be crucified if I didn't put it here. Also, this isn't GOTY you mental midgets, and screw you Kirby. That shit's too kiddy, Astro Bot is a serious game for serious adults.
6. Indiana Jones, because it's full of the exaggerated swagger of a white middle aged archeologist and you dents gave me a metric shitload of money for this. Also fuck you Dorito Pope
5. Black Ops 6, yes I know the campaign was on the disappointing list yesterday and I rage on a regular basis, but you fucks give me money and I'm no longer playing on a gamepad like a troglodyte
4. Another Crab's Treasure, yes I know I malded hard, but I didn't need to pay any money for it and I like it for quite literally all the reasons I said Black Myth Wukong was shit last night
3. Shadow of the Erdtree, because I would be crucified if I didn't put it here
2. Metaphor ReFantazio, because I would be crucified if I didn't put it here and fuck it at this point


1. Silent Hill 2, because muh AAA remake

I was about to say that this wasn't as exceptional as last night's dumpster fire, but this dipshit really said his second favorite playthrough of the year was also his most disappointing, and it was for a demo that he didn't finish of a game he didn't purchase. And here was me expecting that Infinite Wealth would be here because it was totally his life fr fr
PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
All games, movies, albums, and books are fads- Darkfire12
he's trying to bring back smark guys without actually watching the wrestling apparently
Big Apple, 3 A.M.
the biggest cope he has is people are jealous of him.

he bitches and moans about every aspect of his life. Who wants that?
I want you to grab your nuts. Grab your balls. I want you to take a handful, and just grab your nuts real quick. Swivel 'em around in a circular motion.
LightningAce11 posted...
the biggest cope he has is people are jealous of him.

he bitches and moans about every aspect of his life. Who wants that?
Ah yes, people are jealous of him. Meanwhile within the last two days, he has needed to reduce himself to e-begging of the highest caliber despite making over 50k since August, admitted that he cannot play games off camera because he would get tired of them and that he can't play games he wants to play because his dents are uninterested, not even getting into the other personal shit of his life.

Yeah, real fucking jealous of that.
PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
All games, movies, albums, and books are fads- Darkfire12
Did he ever get his finances in order or is he still in mondo debt?
Time is a funny thing, you know? I guess in the big picture of my life, you were only a blip. But oftentimes, those "blips" make the biggest impacts.
My understanding is that he still owes tens of thousands to the IRS, but I'm not sure.

He occasionally talks about wanting to take out a second mortgage the second his credit score is restored from his bankruptcy.
LightningAce11 posted...
the biggest cope he has is people are jealous of him.

he bitches and moans about every aspect of his life. Who wants that?
You know, for a quick second, you -could- be jealous of his "job" and income. I imagine a lot of people wanting to be able to make a living off of streaming, I imagined it for a bit too.

But then you see how Phil actually makes his money. By being a miserable pile of human garbage, by being an online panhandler. He is being kept afloat by a handful of whales.

He is not enjoying what he is doing, is an alcoholic, gambling addict so much so he went bankrupt. Doesn't have friends, let alone meaningful relationships. His parents are ATMs for him, he hasn't done anything meaningful in nearly 2 decades. Hasn't developed new skills, new relationships, hasn't gained new knowledge or improved upon himself, hasn't made a (social) network.

And if that isn't enough, he will mostly be remembered for being "the guy".
XboX GT/Steam/Wii-U - Nazanir
DSP wrestling show is 98% fat white supremacist blabbing and 1% Phil interjecting "yeah", "I agree", "*fake laughing*" and 1% Phil reading contributions.
Why didn't you @ me, Dood!?!?!?

Heard him claim last nights RAW netflix debut was his first time watching wrestling since covid wrestlemania...Suuuuuure.

Why does he lie when he has nothing to gain? That shit is dangerous.
N.P.C.C. (Nintendo Porn Company Conspiracy)
If it exist...There isn't enough of it! The truth is out there!
Current Events » DSPGaming General 35: I'm begging, begging you,
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