It's been a couple years since I did this, but I figured I'll do it again since it's Christmas and Yakuza is a Christmas series after all. Just the first 8 mainline games (If you didn't know, Yakuza 7 is also known as "Yakuza: Like a Dragon"): So no Yakuza 8 (aka Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth), no Gaiden, no Judgments, no Ishin, no DLC***.
***I'll give the DLC for Yakuza 7 if you follow a special rule below >_>
Da Rules:
-Post #100 is the winner. STPs don't mean shit.
-Obviously you have to have a Steam account so I can give you this shit lol. No PS/Xbox versions.
-Calm your tits if I'm at work or asleep or away or something when someone wins. I'll try to get the gifts out within a day if I'm busy
-If post #100 is disqualified for some reason then I'll move forward to #101 and so on until a qualified winner is found
-Reasons for winning post disqualification can include: person already has all the games, the post was deleted, person doesn't have a steam account and refuses to get one lol, person never responds back after a reasonable amount of time, I posted #100 by mistake >_>, regional steam bullshit I can't control, and whatever else I didn't think of
-If you own some of the games, then I'll give you the remaining games from 0-7 that you don't own and *maybe* something else Yakuza/Like a Dragon related on Steam like Ishin or Judgment or something. Basically, I'll try to "fill out" the order to be ~$80 since that's what the value of the original prize is >_> If you literally own everything, then you're disqualified lol
-No other loophole shenanigans I didn't think of (like a mod locking the topic so he can win or something >_>) I reserve the right to determine the winner if some bullshit is afoot. I am the supreme dictator of this topic!
- If the winning post says they like hornyposting in some form (ie: "I love hornyposting!", "I hate the hornyposting ban!", "I miss hornyposting!", something like those. I'm flexible >_>), then I'll also throw in the DLC for Yakuza: Like a Dragon and upgrade it to the Ultimate edition lol
I think I covered everything! Otherwise, have fun! I'll PM the winner to give out the prize when it occurs! This is a fantastic series that I want CE to experience for themselves!
And one last protip: If this is your first time playing the series, the best place to start is chronologically. So:
0 -> Kiwami -> Kiwami 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> Yakuza: Like a Dragon -> Gaiden -> Infinite Wealth
Spinoffs like Judgments and Ishin can be played at anytime, though you'll probably get the most out of them if you play them near the other releases when they came out (so around 6ish for the Judgment games and around 7ish for Ishin, but it isn't necessary or needed to enjoy the spinoff games or their stories!)
Alright, let's do this shit! Don't say your resident [redacted] Meister never did anything for you guys!! >_>
(I used to post way more horny pics in the last topic, but sadly I can't this time....)