"There can be only one" - Round 4: Sony console

Current Events

Current Events » "There can be only one" - Round 4: Sony console
Scenario :
- Sony decides on a one-shot offering to gamers of *ONE* console (there's no "next" console).
-All other consoles by this developer and any games first released for them will cease to exist.
-Multiplatform releases and ports for and to other consoles of the same generation will survive as releases on those consoles. Arcade releases and ports to any other console also will survive.
-Releases first released on an eliminated console will cease to exist in collections and as ports, remakes, and remasters for any future console by any developer.


Example : Tekken originally was an Arcade release. Soon after, it was released as a port to the PS1 and, later, as a port to other systems. If any console with a port is eliminated, the console port will cease to exist, but ports to other systems will continue to exist as ports from the Arcade release.

Example : Final Fantasy X originally was a PS2 release. It was later available as a port or enhanced releases for other consoles. If the PS2 console is eliminated, it will cease to exist in collections and as stand alone releases to other consoles. This game in the Final Fantasy series then will only exist on non-eliminated consoles with the events of this game and, if shown at all, only as backstory.

Note: There's no "saving throw" for ports or emulation on other systems such as PC; any eliminated console and any games first released only to it in its generation are gone (no source code to save).

So, which console do you save? Only the console with the most votes will survive this round.

Choose carefully, CE, and (yet again) godspeed. :)
There are several games that only appeared in one console generation. :|

Since the popular ones are considered cult classics, I wonder which console CE will vote for most.
I feel like PS2 wins this fairly easily.
How can the moon landing be real if the moon isn't real?
I had to vote PS2, too many gems
PS2 is the best console ever, easy choice.
Trucking Legend Don Schneider!
There's a lot of revisionist history and nostalgia around the PS2. Unless you liked JRPGs or were a semi-casual gamer it was the worst console of that gen. Multiplats always sucked on it.

I'm going with the PS3, especially after Sony turned things around in 2009. It had an amazing feature set, tons of exclusives, free online multiplayer, and a lot of PS2 hits were made available for it in HD with trilogy packs like Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, God of War, etc.
Thanks for reading!
I fell like the only way to choose 4 or 5 is if you just really liked one particular game.

CRON posted...
There's a lot of revisionist history and nostalgia around the PS2. Unless you liked JRPGs or were a semi-casual gamer it was the worst console of that gen. Multiplats always sucked on it.
Is it really revisionist when I still have mine hooked up and my top ten games for the system have zero RPGs in them?
Arguing on CE be all like:
CRON posted...
I'm going with the PS3, especially after Sony turned things around in 2009. It had an amazing feature set, tons of exclusives, free online multiplayer, and a lot of PS2 hits were made available for it in HD with trilogy packs like Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, God of War, etc.
Yes, but PS2 and PS3 are an XOR choice--for the console that does not win, it will be as if exclusive originals for it never existed (no next gen ports, etc.).

Im not losing FFVII
Live action Hungry Hungry Hippos though, now that was a sport. ~Aeon Azuran
PS2. As special as PS1 was for me in terms of RPGs, that was pretty much the biggest thing it exclusively shined in, save for a handful of other games.

PS2 just had bangers all around that still hold up.
...I think I'm done here...
Unknown5uspect posted...
I feel like PS2 wins this fairly easily.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
I'm surprised PS4 isn't getting more votes. Does it lack JRPGs like other PlayStation consoles have?
Most PS2 games are ass (maybe amazing at the time, but utterly unplayable now)
One *bump* before last call...
Gotta be the PS1. That was a legit golden era of gaming that has yet to be recreated.
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Current Events » "There can be only one" - Round 4: Sony console