The democrats who tried to say it was bad were deemed liars by the media
Shit is going to get bad no matter what. So with that said, the shit that's bad that will hurt Republicans? Bring it on. Get rid of the guns. Bring on the tariffs. Get all the FAFO shit to occur. I'm already part of the group who will be getting the worst repercussions of this administration. I want all his followers to suffer for their votes. They need to understand politics is more than "OWNING THE LIBSSSSS".
The democrats who tried to say it was bad were deemed liars by the media:
And this one as half-true: -hit-typical-f/
Dude the first one is literally Breitbart
The short of it is, tariffs are bad for everyone except the US government and the producers of the world's most inferior products.Probably not even them TBH. The economy trickles up not down. The only winners will be Trump Musk and Murdoch.
I thought tariffs were as fake as bigfoot
And while we are on the subject, why did no one tell me Biden dropped out?Biden dropped out?
Biden dropped out?
I almost feel like I want this to happen, to have the economy be thrown into recession or worse, just so the idiots can get what they voted for.
Trump's plans are all stupid and doomed to failure? If only someone had said something!
This is why people should listen to experts and not someone who claims to know better than experts.Big words make me angry!
Nah, I think he is still the President.But I thought Trump was the President! Biden cheated!
"While it may be true that tariffs have resulted in higher prices for consumers basically every time they have happened in the past, we can't be 100% sure this will be the same as every other time until the tariffs actually start. Therefore when democrats say tariffs will make prices go up, this is a half truth."Dayum they were playing the semantics game as hard as a teacher grading an essay of a student they dislike lol.
-the "liberal" media
CNNs homepage is really hammering tariffs are going to raise prices. So strange they were unwilling to do that before the election.The media wanted Trump to win for two reasons; their tax cuts and a dancing monkey. Now that they have their dancing monkey, they're going to make it look as goofy as possible.