The Ys games are so refreshing to me

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Current Events » The Ys games are so refreshing to me
Just pure no nonsense gameplay and fun. Its not trying to be anything more than what it is and thats why I like this series so much.
RTX 3070, Ryzen 7 5700x,16GB DDR4, 700WGold PSU
Switch FC: SW-3966-2111-8902, Proud Steam Deck Owner
Love the Ys games and just realized they're the only rpgs I'm even interested in anymore. I think I'm their biggest fan definitely here.

I'm actually invested in the (minimal) story at this point. Ys books 1 and 2 gave me the feel of the start of a grand epic, and I'm interested to see the world develop, more so than Falcom's other more ambitious project trails of heroes.
I just finished ys8 last night. Probably my favorite so far in terms of story and world but liked combat better in 9.

Every game I've played in the series has been fantastic. Series definitely doesn't get the praise it deserves.
The low hanging fruit must be plucked.
I need to beat 9. What's the consensus on X? Good? - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
Current Events » The Ys games are so refreshing to me