Tucker Carlson: Abortions cause Hurricanes

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Current Events » Tucker Carlson: Abortions cause Hurricanes

Truly the great conservative thinker of our time
damn, is that how hurricanes get names?
make peace and be free


Asocial, not introverted. Know the difference.
Maybe those JRPGs villains were on to something about humanity being trash.
That's some Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson tier bullshit.
Save for your doomed future
Remember that our vote is worth just as much as the people who say dumb shit like this.

Hell, if you're not in a swing state it might be worth less
I have nothing else to say
Sharknado but it's fetuses.
See you next Wednesday.
__aCEr__ posted...
Sharknado but it's fetuses.
Directed by and starring Neil Breen
I mean he makes sense

Oh wait , exact opposite
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He seems to have gone down the fundamentalist rabbit hole. Funny that he thinks he was mauled by a demon. It makes total sense, in the religious worldview that he's espousing, that a demon would be attracted to someone with such a rotten soul. He's an evil man, so of course an evil spirit would stick to him -- just like flies buzzing around a dung heap. But he doesn't even realize what he's implying about himself with this demon story.
The owls are not what they seem.
but hurricanes went up when you banned abortions...
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
What, did the "demon" who scratched him get pregnant or something?
"I'd rather betray the world than let the world betray me." -Cao Cao
Based on the information I have, seems like banning abortion causes hurricanes.
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
I hate hearing this guy say kill babies, as if there isnt more to abortion than that. Its so dishonest. Everything about this guy is fake and offensive, and its a disgrace he still has a platform.
Current Events » Tucker Carlson: Abortions cause Hurricanes