Do you remember Konami Krazy Racers for the GBA?

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Current Events » Do you remember Konami Krazy Racers for the GBA?

If they had less tact it could have been called Krazy Konami Kart
I pray god will curse the writer, as the writer has cursed the world with this beautiful, stupendous creation, terrible in its simplicity, irresistible in truth
Wai wai wai wai wai wai racing (all right)
I remember liking that game enough to unlock the secret racer(s?) and beat the game with them
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Thats the one that had Mimi and Nyami in it. One of. Maybe 2 or 3 they ever had in America. (This, Popn Music Wii, Bomberman on Switch)
ORAS secret base:
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
It also reminds me of how much Konami still references Twinbee and Gradius today, while doing absolutely nothing with those franchises.
ORAS secret base:
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
I miss goemon so much man
I pray god will curse the writer, as the writer has cursed the world with this beautiful, stupendous creation, terrible in its simplicity, irresistible in truth
Current Events » Do you remember Konami Krazy Racers for the GBA?