Just got my absentee ballot

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Current Events » Just got my absentee ballot
Filled out and ready to mail, voted Dem down the board. Please, if you haven't, request an absentee ballot or go vote early!
Wild ARMs is still the best JRPG series in my opinion and we desperately need a new game in the series!
i'm about to finish filling my mail-in ballot too, voting Dem down the board as well. in my state, you don't have to request one, all registered voters are automatically mailed a ballot. that's how it should be federally tbh.
It don't matter. None of this matters.
DoesntMatter posted...
i'm about to finish filling my mail-in ballot too, voting Dem down the board as well. in my state, you don't have to request one, all registered voters are automatically mailed a ballot. that's how it should be federally tbh .
Agreed, I had to request one myself
Wild ARMs is still the best JRPG series in my opinion and we desperately need a new game in the series!
Current Events » Just got my absentee ballot