I, er, have a problem.

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Current Events » I, er, have a problem.

I apparently take way too many cat pictures and don't delete the bad ones. Those are the ones I've taken since first acquiring Ren.
Face it Cloud is a gaming icon and has appered in lots of games while mario has only appeared in 2 games sunshine and 64 ~xSlashbomBx
Alucard188 posted...

I apparently take way too many cat pictures and don't delete the bad ones. Those are the ones I've taken since first acquiring Ren.

Looks perfectly normal to me.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
I dont see the problem. Heck buy another camera just for cat photos.
Why is that cat doing the drake pose?
Florida Panthers, Boston Celtics,
Vacant, Kansas City Chiefs, Real Madrid #1 Fan
ShineboxPhil posted...
Why is that cat doing the drake pose?

Why isnt your cat?
"Too many cat photos" is a goddamn oxymoron.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
ShineboxPhil posted...
Why is that cat doing the drake pose?

He was cleaning the spot where his balls would be and paused to take a breather.
Face it Cloud is a gaming icon and has appered in lots of games while mario has only appeared in 2 games sunshine and 64 ~xSlashbomBx
Current Events » I, er, have a problem.