Solar_Crimson posted...
And yeah, it really depends on what you want to use it for, since both seem to do different things better than the other.
I'm primarily using DALL-E 3 for personal amusement now and then, if I have ideas, or want to test things, or I check this topic and think it might need something furry, or maybe not furry. Something different from what it is having, at the least.
I have griped about DALL-E 3 being obtuse and ambiguous as to what it dogs or blocks, but the few other AI image generators I have tried were producing really janky images or were limited to a handful creations per day, if not both. With DALL-E 3 the results are of very high quality, and I can generate several dozen images before it tells me to put a brake on it. I may have to redo or refine prompts a couple times before the results look good, and even then it's a game of luck as to what the final result will be, so it is a undeniable benefit that I am not limited to five attempts per 24 hours or such.
For each image I post here, there's perhaps a dozen images that I have rejected and maybe five good images that I don't post but save them for a later occasion because they're variations of the best result that goes or went to this topic and its predecessors.
Still... even some of those dissatisfying results can look good in their own right.
I mean, here's an Elsa image depicting her as a white-furred animated cartoon ferret that I did not post in its dedicated topic because it wasn't Elsa enough... but gosh, the cuteness!