Water all over my floor

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Current Events » Water all over my floor
I'm getting a new fridge tomorrow, as I sold my old one to my sister in law (who is getting it tomorrow). I emptied everything, defrosted it, etc. Everything was fine.

I turned off the valve to the water line and disconnected the water for the icemaker. It was still dripping a little so I stuck it in a bucket to let it flush out.

Came back an hour later to find that it never stopped dripping, and now the bucket was overflowing and there was a 1/4" of water on my kitchen floor. I reconnected the hose to the fridge (since clearly the fucking valve doesn't actually work) and dried up the floor.

Go down to the basement to wash the towels I used to dry the floor and find that there's water on THAT floor too, as the water came down through the water line hole, so now there's another puddle of water on the basement floor.

tl;dr there are now like 8 towels in my washer and after all of that, the water line is still connected to the fridge until the new one comes.
Hoping there is no damage from the water. I caught it pretty quick, but it got everywhere
Your sister in law is very helpful.
Don't tease the octopus, kids!
Current Events » Water all over my floor