Always Online games are a stain on the industry

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Current Events » Always Online games are a stain on the industry
So Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown was supposed to launch today but so far only YouTubers have been able to play it, everyone else is getting failed log ins, they even tried a queue system but that's fucked too.

Reminds me of Payday 3 that launched almost a year ago, you couldn't get on it the first day if you were a Gold Edition buyer. They added a Solo mode but you still need to connect to Online to use it.

Hasn't been a good week for gaming
Come to Relax
it's one of the few things that irritates me about the Hitman: World of Assassination.

i get it for games that are designed to be multiplayer, like payday, but it still sucks.
Every time I'm left alone my misery begins to drown me.
Tied by a rope of anxiety; thrown overboard
SgtBash posted...
Hasn't been a good week for gaming

Astro Bot and Space Marine 2 say hello.

But yeah, always online is bullshit.
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
Vokrent posted...
it's one of the few things that irritates me about the Hitman: World of Assassination.

i get it for games that are designed to be multiplayer, like payday, but it still sucks.

Came in to mention Hitman. There's absolutely no point in it being online only. You can't even access stuff you've unlocked if you're not online. You're stuck with the limited default load out.

I guess it's because of the leaderboards, but who cares about them really outside a relatively few amount of players? I'm sure the top scores are due to hacking or glitching anyway.
Fix your hearts or die.
When I sin I sin real good.
ItsNotA2Mer posted...

Astro Bot and Space Marine 2 say hello.

I was thinking more along the line of Concord but Astro Bot does look decent, haven't looked much into Space Marine 2.
Come to Relax
Space Marine 2 looks incredible - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
Not being able to pause while I'm playing single player is bullshit
The greatest rooster you've never heard of
They're just attempts to diminish consumer ownership and soak money in way possible on otherwise low-quality products.
All your favorite RPGs:
I agree. I don't buy online only games.
I'm surrounded
As someone who didn't get access to reliable high-speed home internet until my mid-30's, I've always had a massive grudge against always-online games. I would probably love Fallout '76 now that it's had all its post-release improvements, but I just can get over that general grudge against always-online.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
Current Events » Always Online games are a stain on the industry