Football Season starts tonight Swifties vs Ravens

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Current Events » Football Season starts tonight Swifties vs Ravens

Is the Kansas City Swifties still a thing or are they going back to being the Chiefs?

That was a thing last year great googly moogly
-Grove Street 4 Life-
Hey Bayley! Oh! Ah! I wanna know!
Ravens offensive line is dreadful
Chiefs by 9

I'm more excited that Keith David got this job. Keith David fucking rules.
If the Taylor Swift stuff carries over to this year as bad as it was last year I don't know how much football I'll actually be watching.
Buffalo Bills
GS4Life posted...

Is the Kansas City Swifties still a thing or are they going back to being the Chiefs?

That was a thing last year great googly moogly
Fwiw, I'm pretty sure that the Lombardi Trophy from last season has "Kansas City Chiefs" on it.
Are the Ravens gonna ignore the run even harder this time?
CEO of Antifa
Current Events » Football Season starts tonight Swifties vs Ravens