It's 12:00am, why are YOU still UP?

Current Events

Current Events » It's 12:00am, why are YOU still UP?
Stop horny now and go to sleep.
Your human level has changed to GOD.
It's 1.
Swansong, I can feel you fade.
I have insomnia.
He's all alone through the day and night.
I don't sleep well at night, which in a world with next to zero tolerance for this, means I just deal with being constantly sleepy during the time of day that I am required to not be and yet completely alert for the long times it takes attempting to sleep when I am supposed to.

I sleep like a baby when the sun is up, but this is completely unacceptable to the world as a whole.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
LonelyStoner posted...
I have insomnia.

It's 3 here. I don't sleep until 4:30. Force of habit from my working days.
It's not even 11:00 here.
The user formerly known as Ashethan
Because I don't have to be at work until 4pm
Because I usually go to bed later. I work 3-11:30pm
When money talks for the very last time, and nobody walks a step behind
When there's only one race, and that's mankind, then we shall be free
cant sleep when full

on that note... gotten banned from fall guys because someone complained about my brutal tactic's (probably one of those pc/xbox players).

decided to uninstall. plenty of other games.
currently playing: nickelodeon kart racers 3: slime speedway (daily until disc arrives)
RIP Sophie the dog: February 2011-april 2024. we'll miss you alot.
You're not the boss of me!
--I understand your opinion. I just don't care about it. ~Jedah--
Its 2024, why are YOU still making the same topic?
I'm at work unfortunately
Bucks World Champions 2021
PS4 looks great
It's time to go go go
Imagine thinking 12:00 AM is late.
thought of it on my own but a quick googs show

Researchers found a 37 percent increase in clinical insomnia from before the pandemic to its peak. In 2020, an observational study found that post-9/11 veterans are especially vulnerable to insomnia, with 57.2 percent screening positive for insomnia disorder.Nov 18, 2021

not surprised cause my insomnia has gotten a little out of control a few times since around the pandemic

ohh yea thats aimed at the insomnia sufferers on here including myself
41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
Kisai posted...
Imagine thinking 12:00 AM is late.

It's very rare I'm still awake at 12am these days, and I was always a night owl.
You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy.
Well, I wasn't off work until 12:15... And after the drive home, shower and chilling for a few minutes it was close to 2:00. Got up at 6:30 and having a cup of coffee while the kids get ready for school. Then it's time to drop them off.
RIP BigAirDay aka Bill.
Not changing this signature until the Carolina Panthers win the Super Bowl. Signature started 10/30/11
Kisai posted...
Imagine thinking 12:00 AM is late.
I have to wake up at 4:30 am for work so it'd be pretty damn late for me
Proud fan of the worst team in American professional sports history: the Chicago Cubs.
its 6:45 now, why aint you up?
where is you guys haha

here its 2:49a; not bedtime for me til around 8-9 due to my biological clock being in shambles. coming to think of it I may have to talk to my provider about insomnia
41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
Glob posted...
Its 2024, why are YOU still making the same topic?

Because is not against DA rules.
Your human level has changed to GOD.
Shadowblade posted...
Because is not against DA rules.

Thats a pretty poor justification for being boring. Oh well. Theres a solution to that.
I did fell asleep around that time tbh
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
Current Events » It's 12:00am, why are YOU still UP?